heated steering wheel

A glove is a garment covering the hand, with separate sheaths or openings for each finger and the thumb. Gloves extending past the wrist are called gauntlets. Gloves protect and comfort hands against cold or heat, damage by friction, abrasion or chemicals, and disease; or in turn to provide a guard for what a bare hand should not touch.
Gloves are made of materials including cloth, knitted or felted wool, leather, rubber, latex, neoprene, silk, and (in mail) metal. Gloves of kevlar protect the wearer from cuts. Gloves and gauntlets are integral components of pressure suits and spacesuits.
Latex, nitrile rubber or vinyl disposable gloves are often worn by health care professionals as hygiene and contamination protection measures. Police officers often wear them to work in crime scenes to prevent destroying evidence in the scene. Many criminals wear gloves to avoid leaving fingerprints, which makes the crime investigation more difficult. However, the gloves themselves can leave prints that are just as unique as human fingerprints.If there is an opening but no (or a short) covering sheath for each finger they are called fingerless gloves. Fingerless gloves are useful where dexterity is required that gloves would restrict. Cigarette smokers and church organists sometimes use fingerless gloves. Cycling gloves for road racing or touring are usually fingerless. Guitar players may also use fingerless gloves in circumstances where it is too cold to play with an uncovered hand.
A hybrid of glove and mitten contains open-ended sheaths for the four fingers (as in a fingerless glove, but not the thumb) and an additional compartment encapsulating the four fingers. This compartment can be lifted off the fingers and folded back to allow the individual fingers ease of movement and access while the hand remains covered. The usual design is for the mitten cavity to be stitched onto the back of the fingerless glove only, allowing it to be flipped over (normally held back by Velcro or a button) to transform the garment from a mitten to a glove. These hybrids are called convertible mittens or "glittens".

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  1. flapajack

    Heated steering wheel not heating up?

    Got my MG4 Trophy back from is first service yesterday. Now have the latest R63 software on the infotainment, which is nice (was on R30). Unfortunately the heated steering wheel has decided not to play ball anymore. TBF I had the problem before the service when the infotainment screen decided...
  2. H

    Heated Steering Wheel

    When I put my heated steering wheel on it never remains warm. Sometimes it goes cold completely and warms up slightly after a minute or two. Is this normal?
  3. G

    Heated Steering Wheel

    Is it just my car but the heated steering wheel is only heating a portion of the wheel and even that is only marginally warm
  4. HazardLights

    Batteries : MG4 SE SR versus Trophy LR

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  5. D

    Question on heated steering wheel

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  6. C

    Heated Steering Wheel

    Hello all, New Member here MG4 Trophy owner as from Tuesday morning here - has been in the country a while as turned up with a fault that has taken nearly 2 months to fix but that is another story! So just playing around and learning how to use all the controls but there is one that I am...
  7. Nobbyplopps

    Uk phase 2 updates

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