
A hinge is a mechanical bearing that connects two solid objects, typically allowing only a limited angle of rotation between them. Two objects connected by an ideal hinge rotate relative to each other about a fixed axis of rotation, with all other translations or rotations prevented; thus a hinge has one degree of freedom. Hinges may be made of flexible material or moving components. In biology, many joints function as hinges, such as the elbow joint.

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  1. D

    Broken parcel shelf hinge

    Hi got our new car Monday morning everything looks great but went in the boot yesterday and found the near side parcel shelf hinge was snapped. Has anyone had similar happen. Will have to ring the dealers again.
  2. D

    My turn for the broken charge flap

    Well it finally happened to me, almost 2 years in. After I plugged in recently, my leg scrubbed the corner of the flap, and...crunch. There wasn't much force involved. Snapped like a carrot. Looking at the design on the structure, someone at SAIC thought that the best place to save plastic...
  3. H

    Do you know the name of this part?

    Hi everyone, Do you know the name or spare part number of this part? It works as hinges for the trunk shelf (maybe called parcel shelf), I managed to break off one of them. You can see it attached properly on the image bellow;
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