
A hoist is a device used for lifting or lowering a load by means of a drum or lift-wheel around which rope or chain wraps. It may be manually operated, electrically or pneumatically driven and may use chain, fiber or wire rope as its lifting medium. The most familiar form is an elevator, the car of which is raised and lowered by a hoist mechanism. Most hoists couple to their loads using a lifting hook. Today, there are a few governing bodies for the North American overhead hoist industry which include the Hoist Manufactures Institute, ASME, and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. HMI is a product counsel of the Material Handling Industry of America consisting of hoist manufacturers promoting safe use of their products.

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  1. B

    Mobility Scooter / Wheelchair hoist.

    Sorry if I am covering old ground here, but I spent quite a long time attempting to find out if and how an electric wheelchair hoist could be fitted into an MG5 of any type. The answer previously was always fairly negative, but I can now assure anybody interested that it can be done. I have...
  2. L

    ZS facelift mobility hoist

    Has anyone on the forum fitted a mobility scooter hoist inside the tailgate on a ZS EV facelift car.
  3. D

    MGZS Excite 2021

    Can anyone advise of someone who can fit a disabilty hoist to an MG ZS EXCITE 2021 MODEL SUV at a reasonable cost preferably Armadle or local area
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