
Home Assistant is an open-source home automation platform that focuses on local control and privacy. It allows users to control and automate various smart devices in their home, such as lights, thermostats, and sensors, through a user-friendly interface. Home Assistant supports a wide range of devices and integrations, making it a versatile and powerful tool for creating a smart home environment.
  1. PvinSan

    Has Anyone played around with HomeASSISTANT addon for the MG4 ???

    Hi2All, As anyone played around with HommeAssistant Addon for the mg4 ( from https://github.com/SAIC-iSmart-API/saic-home-assistant-addon ? I can see data of the car on my home Assistant -BUT- the app then loses the acccess and I need to re authenticate it ( and then the homeAssistant Addon...
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