
HomePlug is the family name for various power line communications specifications under the HomePlug designation, each with unique capabilities and compatibility with other HomePlug specifications.
Some HomePlug specifications target broadband applications. For instance in-home distribution of low data rate IPTV, gaming, and Internet content, while others focus on low power, low throughput and extended operating temperatures for applications such as smart power meters and in-home communications between electric systems and appliances. All of the HomePlug specifications were developed by the HomePlug Powerline Alliance, which also owns the HomePlug trademark.
On 18 October 2016 the HomePlug Alliance announced that all of its specifications would be put into the public domain and that other organizations would be taking on future activities relating to deployment of the existing technologies. There was no mention in the announcement of any further technology development within the HomePlug community.

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  1. P3DRO

    Public charge vs. home charge (EV not installed yet)

    Hi Everyone, Got the car on Monday and joined here today. I am currently at 43%, so I will need to charge before my EV charger is installed on Monday or Tuesday. I know I can plug it using the normal plug , would that be cheaper if I did it overnight versus just going to a public charging...
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