
Immersion baptism (also known as baptism by immersion or baptism by submersion) is a method of baptism that is distinguished from baptism by affusion (pouring) and by aspersion (sprinkling), sometimes without specifying whether the immersion is total or partial, but very commonly with the indication that the person baptized is immersed in water completely. The term is also, though less commonly, applied exclusively to modes of baptism that involve only partial immersion (see Terminology, below).

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  1. Bam Bam

    Electric hot water (Solar divert or overnight)

    I thought I was being clever getting a Tesla (UK) T-Smart immersion device to get hot water on a timer before we got our solar installed in 2023. Timer vs diversion The T-Smart was a lot cheaper than getting an eddi (or the more basic alternatives like the solar iboost). Around £150 vs. £300...
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