
Interpreting is a translational activity in which one produces a first and final target-language output on the basis of a one-time exposure to an expression in a source language.
The most common two modes of interpreting are simultaneous interpreting, which is done at the time of the exposure to the source language, and consecutive interpreting, which is done at breaks to this exposure.
Interpreting is an ancient human activity which predates the invention of writing.

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  1. Ethernea

    How to interpret Software Versions?

    Software: • MPU SWI69-29958-1100R21 • MCU Ive seen in other forums around that some people say "my mg4 is MY2022"... (Where do you see this? Ive seen others say "ive updated from R33 to R46" So i assume mine is outdated because it says R21... And my dealership said it may be blocked...
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