
Fire investigation, sometimes referred to as origin and cause investigation, is the analysis of fire-related incidents. After firefighters extinguish a fire, an investigation is launched to determine the origin and cause of the fire or explosion. These investigations can occur in two stages. The first stage is an investigation of the scene of the fire to establish its origin and cause. The second step is to conduct laboratory examination on the retrieved samples.Investigations of such incidents require a systematic approach and knowledge of fire science.

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  1. C

    Mg4 fire

    Hi everyone, I have some bad news. Last Friday night my car caught fire. While driving on the motorway I noticed excessive heat under the air vent at the foot, a few minutes later there was smoke and when I stopped within a few seconds the fire reached the dashboard. I need to know how many...
  2. D

    Tick over.

    Hello members. Can i ask i have a 2024 zs hybrid + trophy after initial start it sits idiling at 1100 rpm is this normal or high?????? Its going back for investigation to dealer as have high revs at low speed as if slipping clutch. Any help is welcome.
  3. DaevM

    Unexpected braking y'think ??

    So, looking through breakers and came across this (very) sad sight. Hopefully no-ones on here ? What do you reckon then looking at the damage ? Unexpected sharp braking ? ?
  4. viking

    Never mind the wet patch ;-)

    Hi All Hoping this will save other folk some worry Noticed a damp patch under my MG5 on the floor of the garage over the last couple of weeks. Took the car to a local garage for investigation yesterday. Apparently, it's just condensate dripping from the air conditioning system, due to the...
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