
Jacking, Jackin’, or the jack is a freestyle dance move in which the dancer ripples their torso back and forth in an undulating motion. It emerged within the context of Chicago house music in the 1980s.

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  1. D

    Mg5 Trophy no jacking point?

    Hi all, Had a bit of a nightmare with my wife's new char. It's 4 days old and we haven't been able to use it as it had a puncture on delivery. Anyway we need to replace the tyre. The car has no jack in the boot and the manual states use the jack between the sill. There is no sill on the rear...
  2. kevin ellard

    Tyre Rotation and jacking points

    My FL has done 20,000 miles and the fronts look a little worn at the edges bus still have lots of like left in them. The rears look almost new. So, I'm thinking of swapping fronts to backs. I have a small trolley jack and some axle stands. Is there anything I should be especially wary of if I do...
  3. MonsterMonster

    MG Jack & jacking point

    I bought an MG space saver wheel with jack from MG but I cannot see where the jack fits. The manual on page 232 says "Note that the domed head of the jack must fit into the corresponding recess in the sill plate (There is a triangle indicator ...)". The jack has no doomed head and I cannot see...
  4. GrayCat

    Proper Jacking / Lifting points of MG4

    Please tell me, what are the proper points to lift the car? The blue ones, or the green?
  5. M

    MG4 rear central jacking point?

    Hi all, Just wondering if anyone has used a trolley jack to raise the rear of the MG4 and if so, where was your jacking point? Some of you may have seen my woes on another thread whereby the engine undertray failed whilst driving and despite trying to tape it up, it dropped on the way back home...
  6. rjhfandclf

    Space-saver spare wheel queries ...

    With at least 80% of my mileage is on long trips to SW France, and being of an age now when I adopt at least a belt and braces (+ string and sellotape, if poss) approach, I am looking at various 'precautions' before my first trip in 2024. One thing I am looking into buying is a space-saver [and...
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