key fobs

A keychain ( ) (also keyring) is a small ring or chain of metal to which several keys, or fobs can be attached. The terms keyring & keychain are often used interchangeably to mean both the individual ring, or a combined unit of a ring and fob.
The length of a keychain or fob may also allow an item to be used more easily than if connected directly to a keyring. Some keychains allow one or both ends to rotate, keeping the keychain from becoming twisted, while the item is being used.

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  1. MG4London

    2nd service

    Our first service was about £120, now they are quoting us twice that for our second one. I asked for breakdown of all costs and then asked to take out replacement of batteries in key fobs and to take out the replacement of pollen filter. They still say about £200, is this high? Also I have a...
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