
KEYS (1440 AM) is a radio station serving the Corpus Christi, Texas area with a news/talk format. It is licensed to Malkan AM Associates, L.P.

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  1. J

    Short cut keys in Infotainment

    Hello all, I've just bought a used Trophy ER and have been trying to get the radio working (I've just moved from France to the UK so have no experience with DAB). When I press the music button on the right hand side of the Infotainment I get booted in to a menu about USB and online music (not...
  2. DickBrowne

    Why all the beeping?

    I know that there;s a lot of talk about the beeping inside the new HS when driving - attention monitor, speed change, speed exceeded and so on, but I have a different question to ask. When I leave the car, to pay for petrol for instance, leaving my wife inside the car with my keys, it beeps...
  3. L

    Use app to start the car

    I have seen that other MG EVs have the option to start the car with the phone in case you don't have the key. Is it possible with Cyberster? I can not find the option to do it and I think is useful since I hate going with the keys..... I know you can open and close doors but I would like to be...
  4. M

    MG5 keys - one or two key blades?

    My MG5 has two keys, but only one has the key blade. I assumed the other one had dropped out without me noticing. I had the car in for a service last week and asked them to order a spare. This seems to be a convoluted process but what surprised me was that the dealer said the cars only come with...
  5. A

    Quirks of the MG5

    Hi guys I've now owned my 2021 MG5 PFL LR for a couple of weeks and driven almost 1000 miles so have noticed some oddities and thought it would be fun to start a thread to talk about the quirks of the car. This is not a complaints thread, I love the car and no car is perfect, all have things...
  6. B

    Physical key?

    How many physical keys did you get with your MG4? Not the fobs, the physical metal keys. One per fob or one per car? Trying to figure out if Ive lost one.
  7. JohnMG

    Keys locked inside car - not smart!

    Managed to lock myself out of the car today by accidentally leaving the key in my golf bag. Opened the electric tailgate, loaded the bag into the boot and closed the tailgate. I assumed the car was smart enough not to lock with a key inside (since I'm clearly not that smart) but I was wrong...
  8. SteveRW

    Bulky keys

    It often surprises me that car keys are so bulky. Be great if they were the size of a credit card. Pockets are bulging these days with phone, spectacle, wallet etc. The MG ZS key is a bulbous thing to cart about. Don’t know if there’s any car model out there that have slimline versions?
  9. MG4London

    Lost one set of keys

    We had two sets and lost one, we know where we lost it but now can’t get it back How much will it cost to replace?
  10. fshuk1

    Hidden keys

    How many hidden keys do we get ? I got two keys with the MG4. One has the hidden key and one does not. IS that the same for all?
  11. F


    Stupidly I have lost my car fob , when I went to get the spare , which was in a magnetic box under the rear it also had gone. A local locksmith has opened the car but when he tried to program a spare fob the system said that he needed a four-digit code . He could go no further. My local MG...
  12. B

    MG ZS not recognising my keys

    I just had a situation where, after opening my MG ZS EV with the door push button, my car would not recognise either of my keys so would not start... It then would not lock with either the key or door pushbutton. Interestingly I could open and lock the car from the app. Helpful MG Gallanders...
  13. Bazza17

    Help! Our car won’t open!!

    We are away on holiday & are due to go home tomorrow. Our car won’t open ! We’ve tried both keys & the manual key! Any ideas anyone before we phone RAC?
  14. Mr Savage

    So close to being locked out of my car

    I parked my car and took a walk around a lovely coastal path. It was windy so I wore my jacket. When I returned to my car I pushed the button on the trunk and threw my jacked in, then closed the door. I heard the door lock itself so I went for my keys only to realize they were in my jacket...
  15. B

    Lesson learnt, locked keys in car!

    Me again, is it possible to lock and unlock the car via the app?! Today I put stuff in the boot, including my jacket with the keys in, shut the boot and went to press the door button only to find access denied! How close do the keys have to be to the handle, is it possible to deactivate the...
  16. Robert Anker

    Lost keys- drive away from dropped keys outside car.

    I cannot find my keys. Is it possible to drive the MGev away from keys dropped on the ground outside the drivers door?
  17. meangreen

    Keys not working

    When I was at the dealership test driving an MG4 earlier one of the staff mentioned some deliveries were being delayed. The reason being keys not being recognised by several hundred cars. Is this just a rumour or has anyone heard or can confirm this?
  18. peterseddon

    Keys in car.

    Accidently tested if you can lock the car with the keys inside, and you can. Wife has key in bag and left the bag in the car. I locked it and it locked no trouble. One to watch out for, I'm unlikely to do it as I never use the key, just keep it in my pocket and press the handle button to lock.
  19. midician

    Locked out with keys in the boot !

    My wife opened up the rear hatch yesterday and put in her handbag with the car keys into the boot. Closed rear hatch. When she tried to open the driver door- it was locked, and so was the rear hatch ! We mistakenly assumed that the keys in the car would allow...
  20. Norfolk Enchance

    One shot windows and sensitive keys

    Locked car last night at 17:00 when I arrived at home Went to plug in car at 11:45 just before I retired for the evening Horrified to see all the widows down and the inside of the car covered in snow, I mean covered!!! Spent half an hour in the dark with a series of towels trying to remove as...
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