
Labrador ( LAB-rə-dor) is a geographic and cultural region within the Canadian province of Newfoundland and Labrador. It is the primarily continental portion of the province and constitutes 71% of the province's area but is home to only 6% of its population. It is separated from the island of Newfoundland by the Strait of Belle Isle. It is the largest and northernmost geographical region in the four Atlantic provinces.
Labrador occupies most of the eastern part of the Labrador Peninsula. It is bordered to the west and south by the province of Quebec. Labrador also shares a small land border with the territory of Nunavut on Killiniq Island.
The indigenous peoples of Labrador include the Northern Inuit of Nunatsiavut, the Southern Inuit-Métis of NunatuKavut, and the Innu of Nitassinan.

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    Archived Professionally made custom dog cage for MG5

    For sale professionally made (by Hamster Baskets) custom dog cage. Fits perfectly in boot of MG5 with floor in lower position, has escape hatch accessible with back seat folded down and cut outs in main opening to enable lead to be put on before opening door. Our Labrador is about 30kg and there...
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