launch control

A launch control center (LCC), in the United States, is the main control facility for intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs). A launch control center monitors and controls missile launch facilities. From a launch control center, the missile combat crew can monitor the complex, launch the missile, or relax in the living quarters (depending on the ICBM system). The LCC is designed to provide maximum protection for the missile combat crew and equipment vital to missile launch. Missile silos are common across the midwestern United States, and over 450 missiles remain in US Air Force (USAF) service.
Due to modern conventional weapons, missile launch control centers are becoming rarer in the US, and it is expected that the number of missiles will stay at 450 Minuteman III.

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  1. MKR58

    Launch Control

    Anybody know if there is a time limit for Launch control
  2. L

    Launch control

    Hi all, new here. Not got the car yet but it’s being delivered on Tuesday! Just wondering if anyone can help with the rumour that using the launch control could affect the warranty? Thanks in advance.
  3. sparkwon

    Break-in period on the Xpower?

    Hello gang, just wondering what kind of break-in period you followed on your own Xpowers before really pushing/testing it (launch control, extended hard acceleration/braking, high speed runs etc). I've only done very short bursts thus far and mostly tried to baby it. I just crossed 1100km...
  4. O

    XPower feels slow and launch control not working

    Not sure if this is related to outside temperature, or battery temperature levels... but my XPower feels slow all of a sudden and I cannot get it to trigger launch control either. Feels like a sub-8 second to 60mph car instead of a sub-4. Even when you're rolling if you floor the peddle it just...
  5. Findings in the wet with ESC off

    I got around today to try the Launch control. So ESC off, Sport mode, everything else turned off, I discovered it was quick. I thought I'd drive home with it off after as it would be an og experience. It was! Backend stepped out on a roundabout, I caught it as I've driven rwd since 1989 on and...
  6. F

    Launch control: is it just for x-power?

    Do any other models have launch control other than the x-power? Reason I ask is because I didn't know if mine had it or not. Watched a video showing the sequence for the x-power: left foot on brake, right foot on accelerator: press brake hard, floor the accelerator. Power builds up to about 60%...
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