
Lay brother is a largely extinct term referring to religious brothers, particularly in the Catholic Church, who focused upon manual service and secular matters, and were distinguished from choir monks or friars in that they did not pray in choir, and from clerics, in that they were not in possession of (or preparing for) holy orders.In female religious institutes, the equivalent role is the lay sister. Lay brothers were originally created to allow those who were skilled in particular crafts or did not have the required education to study for holy orders to participate in and contribute to the life of a religious order.

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  1. Baldytone

    OVO charge anytime

    Hi all. My car handover is at the end of the month, and shortly after my drive is being laid. I’m already with OVO and they do this ev charging app, charge anytime. I have been looking into it and the MG4 isn’t in their list of cars they support. I am getting a wall charger once the drive is...
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