
In mathematics, a limit is the value that a function (or sequence) approaches as the input (or index) approaches some value. Limits are essential to calculus and mathematical analysis, and are used to define continuity, derivatives, and integrals.
In formulas, a limit of a function is usually written as





{\displaystyle \lim _{x\to c}f(x)=L,}

and is read as "the limit of f of x as x approaches c equals L". This means that the value of the function f can be made arbitrarily close to L, by choosing x sufficiently close to c. Alternatively, the fact that a function f approaches the limit L as x approaches c is sometimes denoted by a right arrow (→ or

{\displaystyle \rightarrow }

), as in






{\displaystyle f(x)\to L{\text{ as }}x\to c,}

which reads "


{\displaystyle f}



{\displaystyle x}

tends to


{\displaystyle L}



{\displaystyle x}

tends to


{\displaystyle c}

The concept of a limit of a sequence is further generalized to the concept of a limit of a topological net, and is closely related to limit and direct limit in category theory.
The limit inferior and limit superior provide generalizations of the concept of a limit which are particularly relevant when the limit at a point may not exist.

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  1. S

    Charging Limit

    Hi Everyone, MG EV newbie, but not EV newbie. I'm collecting my used 24 plate ZS Long Range Trophy Connect on Tuesday. By the time I get it home, I will need to top it up. Because at that moment in time I haven't installed MG Ismart, can I set c.harging Limit from car. I have Octopus IOG...
  2. S

    Speed limit recognition function not working

    The option for speed limit recognition has stopped working in my MG HS PHEV. Under the MG pilot tab the toggle no longer works. Any ideas? This is also preventing ACC working. Was working fine up until a few days ago. I've checked to make sure the senior is not obscured etc. Marc
  3. G

    R63 charging limit stuck at 90%.

    Anyone else having this issue?
  4. J

    Match detected speed limit acc

    Hi everyone, I've read that the MG3 Hybrid+ comes with both ACC and Traffic Sign Recognition, but I'm not sure if these systems work together to automatically adjust the speed. It would be really convenient if the car could automatically slow down or speed up based on the road signs it detects...
  5. E

    How To Charge To 80%

    Hi all, I’ve just bought my first EV, a MG ZS mark 1 2021 and have read that you should only charge the battery to 80%. But how do you charge it to 80%? I’ve got a Hive home charge and it charges overnight but is there a specific way to only charge to 80%?
  6. highsider

    Charge limit keeps setting itself to 100%

    Has anyone had this issue? The car is a 2023 Trophy on R59 software. I set the charging limit to 80%, and recheck it after returning to the home screen. All this is done in the car, not via the app, because I don't have mobile signal where I live. The next morning, the limit is bumped up to...
  7. R

    MG4 EV speed limit issue

    Hi All Recently purchased brand new MG EV. Love the car but one issue I'm having is the speed limit warning displays are all wrong. E.g. Telling me the speed limit is 60 in a 100km zone. Whilst the speedometer is in km I'm thinking maybe the speed limit warnings are in miles? Any advice appreciated
  8. H

    Turn off speed limit warnings perm

    Anyone worked out how to turn off the speed limit warnings permanently? I have to do it every time I start and it always returns to on.
  9. mikgle

    Slow Down! warning

    Just recently a Slow Down warning comes up on the drivers screen every time I exceed 20mph. It's accompanied by a circular symbol which looks like a foot on the pedal and also a ding sound.. It's regardless of the speed limit, don't think I changed any setting and have tried turning various...
  10. S

    Waze CarPlay Limit on number of Saved Locations

    I noticed today that a saved location on my Waze app when connected to the MG4 had disappeared. - It began with Y. So I entered it again into the app but still couldn't see it. Later when disconnected I saw that record was there and checking Google found that Apple applies a limit to the number...
  11. janeyb

    Charging query (charge terminates early)

    Good morning everyone ! For all the reasons rehearsed in various threads I have recently been charging my standard range mg4 battery to 100% . However , without me changing anything in the car /zappi it suddenly decided to charge to only 80% last night despite me asking octopus to take it to...
  12. StuartT

    Current charging limit

    Does anyone know what this control does? Does it only apply to AC charging? What should I have it set at? Thanks
  13. ptw

    Speed limit recognition is dodgy

    It should work, but many times it doesn't. There are a lot of stories of it picking up the wrong speed limit from Wheelie bins with numbers on (or any sign with white lettering), side road speed limits in error. I suppose it's trying to do it's job, but on a straight major road I travel it mises...
  14. Rolfe

    Discharge limit (VtL)

    How do you force the car to discharge below 50% SoC? Camping out in my MG4, I slept for two consecutive nights in the car without charging in between. As a result the car was on 41% when I got up on the second morning. All I wanted was to boil the flippin kettle, but would it do it? No way. I...
  15. Big Ears

    Speed limit on the dash

    On Wednesday evening I drove about one mile to a farm to pick up some trays of eggs, coming back I happened to notice the dash speed limit was showing 100, now neither of us has been into it to mess with that, it was turned on at the dealers so I can only assume it has an auto change from miles...
  16. Sloucher

    iSmart undemanded resetting of charge limit

    Has anyone else run into this problem?: If I have my charge limit set to 100% and the current charge is between 80 and 100%, the car charges just fine (using Zappi and solar power (eco+)). However, if I log off from iSmart, when I log back on to it, it has reset the charge limit to 80% and has...
  17. J

    Slowing myself down!

    An odd question, but I'm trying to figure out the speed control system. According to the manual there is a mechanism for forcing the car to keep to the speed limit, but for the life of me I cannot figure out how to turn it on. All the options on the screen seem to be on, but the car still...
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