long trip mode

Night photography (also called nighttime photography) refers to the activity of capturing images outdoors at night, between dusk and dawn. Night photographers generally have a choice between using artificial lighting and using a long exposure, exposing the shot for seconds, minutes, or even hours in order to give photosensitive film or an image sensor enough time to capture a desirable image. With the progress of high-speed films, higher-sensitivity digital sensors, wide-aperture lenses, and the ever-greater power of urban lights, night photography is increasingly possible using available light.

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  1. megamac

    Car stops charging at 97% - Long Trip mode

    Hi all, For the last month or so the car has stopped charging at 97% when we set it up to charge for a long trip mode and reach 100%. Is there something that we need to bring up with the garage? This has happened for both slow chargers and the fast charger. See the email from the Phone app...
  2. B

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    Had my mg4(LR) in for its first service including software update recalls on Monday. Both times I have charged since, its stopped at 93/94%. My charger displays “charged” meaning the car is telling the charger its finished. I don’t use any scheduling on the car and its set to long trip mode...
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