low mileage

The low-ball is a persuasion, negotiation, and selling technique.

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  1. T

    Battery low mileage

    Hi guys and girls. I've recently bought a 2nd 2021 SZ EV and the mileage when bought was 134. When I charge it it only gets up to 106 at full charge. I've just had a home charger installed today. So I will try and do a battery balance tomorrow. But has anyone got any ideas of why the...
  2. M

    Low mileage service.

    According to the information I’ve been able to find… the only difference between the low mileage plan and the normal service plan for an MG ZS EV is the normal one includes a key fob battery change. That’s £2 at most. I’ve been quoted £149 for the low mileage. I’m trying to find out if Cleaveley...
  3. Aitch1

    Low Mileage Service Plan for MG3 Hybrid+

    Has anyone any experience of this of this plan, which is mentioned on the MG Motors web site. As my driving is very limited nowadays, probably in the region of 4 to 5 thousand miles tops, I would be interested to know how much savings are to be had by opting for this. Also, has anyone solved the...
  4. sczoo

    Looking to switch to EV

    Hi all, Sorry if this has been asked so many times but as most of you already own an MG4 I thought it’s best to ask owners as opposed to the salesman at our local MG dealership. I’ve always looked to making the switch to EV I don’t use my current car a lot (Hyundai Bayon mild hybrid) so I’d...
  5. Starresources

    HS PHEV Service Cost (3rd Year, but v. low mileage)

    MG HS PHEV service cost: 3rd year annual service, 9,000 miles only - no service plan - quotes received as follows: 1) Baylis MG, Gloucester, stated they do not use a low mileage policy for MG annual services but simply uses the "costs laid down by MG". This (3rd year) service, which would...
  6. Willie

    2nd Service

    Our MG ZS underwent its second service yesterday with no advisories, it was carried out by Dicksons of Inverness at a cost of £135 (low mileage). The service cost included a courtesy car and a health check video of the underside of the car, it also included an update of the AA roadside rescue...
  7. mrg9999

    Low Mileage 69 plate MG ZS

    Autotrader, Dagenham https://www.autotrader.co.uk/car-details/202308311398368
  8. I

    Low mileage 21/22 Mazda MX-30's down to £15k/£16k

    These cars being savaged by depreciation due to their stupidly low range capabilities . But for a local use 2nd car requirement might these represent good value?
  9. boomish

    Buying advice on MG5?

    Im looking at buying a secondhand MG5 having seen some good value ones recently, it’s so tempting given some of them have quite low mileage, I wondered if anyone has some top tips on what to look out for. I know I want the Exclusive for the roof bars & extras like MG pilot & I guess check it’s...
  10. C

    servicing costs

    Hi I have noticed that in US servicing is every 24 months, not 12 as here as a low mileage user , ie c.5k pa why do I need a 12 month interval, other than to keep the warranty valid?
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