
A map is a symbolic depiction emphasizing relationships between elements of some space, such as objects, regions, or themes.
Many maps are static, fixed to paper or some other durable medium, while others are dynamic or interactive. Although most commonly used to depict geography, maps may represent any space, real or fictional, without regard to context or scale, such as in brain mapping, DNA mapping, or computer network topology mapping. The space being mapped may be two dimensional, such as the surface of the earth, three dimensional, such as the interior of the earth, or even more abstract spaces of any dimension, such as arise in modeling phenomena having many independent variables.
Although the earliest maps known are of the heavens, geographic maps of territory have a very long tradition and exist from ancient times. The word "map" comes from the medieval Latin: Mappa mundi, wherein mappa meant 'napkin' or 'cloth' and mundi 'the world'. Thus, "map" became a shortened term referring to a two-dimensional representation of the surface of the world.

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  1. M

    GPS countries included

    Are destinations in the Philippines included on the latest GPS map updates please?. I got my MG ZS EV in January 2025 with EU maps and was thinking of updating the version if it will be useful to me. Thanks much!!.
  2. S

    Map update

    How to update MG maps?
  3. securespark

    Old Map Book From My Grandad

    He gave me this in 1985, along with his AlfaSud 1.3. In 1985, the best quote I could get was in excess of £4000 from the AA (I think). So my Grandad pulled a few strings with his insurance company and paid the first year's insurance, but sadly the 'sud proved far too expensive for a 20 year old...
  4. T

    Sat Nav

    Just taken delivery of 2024 MG3 Hybrid. Sat Nav map is very dark. How do you change the background colour and brightness?
  5. Noel

    Apple map very bright screen, and other observations

    Hi. (1) When driving at night I’ve noticed that the Apple navigation screen is very bright, and dimming it appears to require a multi-screenn operation, not really safe. (2) The auto dipping function dips very quickly. However, retuning to main beam takes 4 seconds, which is a long time to be...
  6. Jomarkh

    Google map charger add on

    Hi, I clicked on a link which put chargers on my Google maps. I didn't like all the red lines so clicked on the tab under settings but now I can't get it back or find the link. Can anyone point me in the right direction please?
  7. D

    MG5 Map Update?

    When was the last time the MG5 had a maps update? I’ve just bought a pre-registration one and the maps are at least 2 years out of date!
  8. B

    Android auto dark map

    Hi, my AA map theme setting is set to auto, and the AA change the theme related to the car headlights (dark for light on, day for light off) The problem is that every time i start the car the map is always at day mode until i first turn the light off and then on. Anyone have this issue?
  9. J

    Map Updates

    Has anyone managed to update their maps in a MG3 Hybrid+. MG Customer Services don't appear to know how! My car qualifies for a free map update, but I cannot take advantage (the existing is out of date)
  10. W

    MG3+ Outdated or updated Sat nav?

    Hi. Has anyone any information regarding the nav updates? My new hybrid is currently running 'Map version 2023 Q2 HERE EU&UK' It's also dated Feb19 2024? By this, I assume the map data must be way out of date and there's nothing on the MG website to indicate when an update will be available. My...
  11. Big Ears

    Map updates

    How do we get a map update? a road I used yesterday has been open for about a year but it isn't on the navigation app, it is on Google Maps though. Also, why can I talk to Google, via the car but not the car's navigation, not very joined-up thinking is it?
  12. RobR

    Zapmap web map doesn't seem to work for me

    All I seem to get when I try to access zapmap web map is a grey box with a spinning circle. Is this the same for anyone else?
  13. jackhill1

    Poor map configuration

    I was wondering if there is any update to the Map screen. I find it quite difficult when driving to see the road as it is a white road on a off white background. I'm used to the Peugeot screen where the road is black and easily seen. Ok when using the navigation it is blue so no problem.
  14. F

    Sat Nav

    I have a ZS EV trophy connect long-range reg November 2022 .is there a sat nav update available?
  15. 5teep

    New Chargeplace Scotland App

    Or so it tells me :) To get it to show you chargers on the map you have to tap the three line icon in top right and select all the stuff you want to see. Took me a while to figure that out.
  16. M

    New Map 23Q4: Unable to install MD5 verification failure[Solved]

    Looks like there's a new map available: 23Q4_EU_20240111021553_p I've downloaded it 3 times tried extracting directly to USB(using windows, 7-zip and winzip), to my HDD and copying to USB, tried 4 different flash drives with exfat, NTFS or Fat32 filesystem and i always get MD5 verification...
  17. T

    MG ZS EV - 2024 - Map updates

    Been trawling through for info on how to update maps in my new vehicle. Naviextras seems the consensus, but for one they don't have an app that works on Mac and second their instructions seem out of date for the cars operating system. Anyone had any luck updating the newest OS with maps...
  18. M

    (ERROR) Update map Europe Mg Touch

    [ Moderator: Please post in English. ] Good night my friends. I'm new to the forum and I loved finding it :) I have a Mg EHS HYBRID, I bought the 2023Q4 Europe maps update through Naviextra, when it is installing at more than 50%, it appears (package not valid), I have already tried several pens...
  19. Y

    Map in app shows non-public chargers

    Just a warning, the map in the updated app has a large number of chargers that aren't accessible to the public including the ones at my work. To access them you need to get through a manned security gate and to have been pre-registered, which you can only do if you are an employee. I have no...
  20. securespark

    Using Zap Map And Zap Pay For The First Time

    Had a search around and could not find the answer. If this is in the wrong place, can a mod please move it for me? Thanks. I am off to Bangor, Wales. Couple of hundred miles. Should in theory be doable, but don't want any squeaky bum time! The hotel we're stopping at does not have a charging...
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