
March is the third month of the year in both the Julian and Gregorian calendars. Its length is 31 days. In the Northern Hemisphere, the meteorological beginning of spring occurs on the first day of March. The March equinox on the 20 or 21 marks the astronomical beginning of spring in the Northern Hemisphere and the beginning of autumn in the Southern Hemisphere, where September is the seasonal equivalent of the Northern Hemisphere's March.

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  1. G

    Do 25 plate still pay higher tax rate from March 2026?

    Some dealers are saying you can get a 25 plate now. Do you still pay what applies to 25 plate cars over £40,000 from March 2026 renewal? Or would it be the lower rate as is with pre April 2025?
  2. john0555

    J J (getting new ZS Hybrid plus)

    Getting a new mg zs hybrid plus trophy in March. It looks very nice, will give info when I have it.
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