media console

Console Enterprises (commonly known as Console) is an American technology company headquartered in Chico, California, that focuses on high-performance Android platform design. It is best known for its Console OS Kickstarter campaign, a project intended on developing a native Android distribution for the PC.
Console was originally titled Mobile Media Ventures, Inc. In mid-2015 the company announced its intention to do business as Console, Inc. going forward.
In January 2017, the company rebranded to Console Enterprises, resolving a branding dispute with another company also calling itself Console Inc. That other company renamed itself to Console Connect Inc., and Console Enterprises claims to continue to use Console Inc. as a brand for B2B consulting services.
The company was founded by Christopher Price. It is a privately held startup. The current number of employees in the company is unknown.

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  1. R

    MG5 Nightmare

    Our 2 year old mg5 broke down in August last year:I could swith it “off” ie light remained on, then when tried switching on again got the following warning message: “HV battery shutdown”.To cut a long story short since then Holdcroft’s in Warrington have changed: The brake booster, The media...
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