mg community

The MG ZR is an MG branded "hot hatch" version of the Rover 25 supermini class car, produced by MG Rover at their Longbridge plant in Birmingham from 2001 to 2005. Compared to the Rover 25, the ZR featured a number of styling modifications and performance enhancements, such as updated sports suspension and a less baffled exhaust.

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  1. H

    MG4 SE issues (warning lights and error messages)

    I got My MG4 SE last year August.. by November I was getting all sorts of warning lights on the dash.. (I'd only done 1800 miles on it) from sensor errors, to all exterior and interior lights on the vehicle shutting off, random emergency braking as if there is something in the road but there’s...
  2. Baldytone

    New car ?

    Hi all, Picked up my new MG4 Trophy LR on Wednesday, loving it, all seems to work at the moment! Thanks to everyone for the help answering my question, I’m sure I’ll have more! Cheers Tony
  3. Bricktop X PWR

    The All New X Power Forum

    I know the idea of a seperate space for X Power was floated quite early on but didn't gain any traction at the time. Now after many hours of "hard" work by @JonnyG and myself, (behind the scenes) we have our own "safe" space ? for all things X Power. I believe (and you can correct me if I'm...
  4. DrJohnny Fever

    Not gone, but not used..

    Well after having a think, ? (did you smell the burning?) I was going to run the MG ZS for another year, as most of you know, I’ve never really liked the car, I don’t know why, I just don’t.. why did I buy it, I don’t know, well I do, I was running a MB estate and I didn’t need a big car, I’d...
  5. R

    MG4 Trophy [problem with keys not working]

    Afternoon, I have owned 2 x MG5 Exclusive EV's; my first one is coming up for 3 years old and my 2nd is 18 months. I really enjoy driving these vehicles and I have had no issues with them from day one. As the first vehicle is coming up to 3 years old I decided it was time for a change. I have...
  6. S

    Oxygen sensor

    Hi All, I've had my PHEV since Feb 2022 and lately ( 3 times in last 4 months) I have had an engine fault display on the dash. The previous 2 times the dealer has said it is the oxygen sensor. The second time they swapped the sensors around to see what would happen. The same warning has just...
  7. B

    MG Assistance -or Not!

    I broke down on my drive on Sat 4th Nov with the error message Vehicle Control Fault on my ZS EV I called MG Assistance where an AA mechanic turned up. After trying all he could he said that it needs recovering to MG. imagine my surprise when my local dealer where I recently had it serviced...
  8. S

    LKA - Report any dangerous incidents here.

    I hope this isn't in breach of any rules but in order to try and get MG to sort out the awful LKA system I thought it would be good to collate instances of unsafe activation of LKA in one thread. This isn't for discussion of the system in detail as there are other long threads for this but I...
  9. steviboy

    Kauf MG HS 2023 Deutschland

    Hey, Ich interessiere mich seit ein paar Tagen über das Fahrzeug MG HS 2023. Dieser wird in geringer Stückzahl, aktuell bei uns in Deutschland angeboten. Ich würde gern wissen, wer ihn bereits hat und was die aktuellen Probleme sind, wie Qualität und Verschleiß von Materialien und wie gut die...
  10. N

    Our Trip Bruges!

    Hi All. Just returned from a family holiday to Bruges and this was the first time going to the EU with the STD Range MG5 (71 plate). We’ve owned the MG, without a hitch, for 2 years and 20k miles, charging 95% of the time at home, so not the most experienced at charging elsewhere. The Journey...
  11. O

    New baby in town

    After just over 8 and a half months we visited our dealer to cancel our order (long story ) to find our car had been delivered a week earlier, but they had forgot to e-mail us! SR LR in orange. Our 2022 order was transformed into a 2023 model with 23r software and one pedal etc. The dealer has...
  12. Hage52

    Love too see what you did to customise your (E)HS

    Please post here your pictures what you did too customize you car... steering wheel upgrade in same style as interior protection, it should be EHS but they only sell for HS on Ali. post your pictures please
  13. evcog

    New friends at Fully Charged Show North

    At the recent Fully Charged Show, Harrogate, in May I had the opportunity to meet many new friends. Not only Robert Lewellyn, who is one of the nicest people who promote the future, but also a show photographer who kindly sent me these photographs. Did I mention that I also met Miles Roberts...
  14. S

    Charging Adapters

    Hi All, Getting really frustrated with the limited 6.6kw charging on AC - plugging into a 22kw charger at work and i can only use it for 2hrs due to the fair use policy and its just not fast enough. why MG restricted the normal type3 charge to 6.6kw is beyond me excluding super chargers...
  15. A

    Possible enhancement?

    Just a thought... There seems to be occasional confusion when people answer a question referring to a different car. Although the member info displayed may say a car type (e.g. MG5) it doesn't pin it down any further, e.g. Type 1, FL or the spec level. Could the list not be expanded to include...
  16. ger

    2 year MG ev offer for new

    Just taken my MG ev exclusive for its second service 2 year old May with 13000 on clock. dealer asked if they could give me a price against a new Trophy long distance. my original price before any discounts was £34295. they offered 14500 for my car leaving me to pay 20000 for the new car. in...
  17. Jones886

    Lets all see your beautiful MGs

    So it's Friday and I thought the best way we can all spend it is posting up our lovely mg cars. The ev press might be negative but we on here are certainly not.
  18. wandle MG4 trophy

    Fully Charged Show Farnborough

    A few thoughts on my visit to the Fully Charged show on Friday. Use discount code FCLEXH10 (kindly offered by Easee One) for a 10% discount Also select the Patreon / YouTube supporter option when you order your tickets. (There’s no check that you subscribe to these channels- though I do)...
  19. T

    MG community - 15:00 Emergency Goverment alert

    Did it happen?
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