mg4 trophy er

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  1. S

    Looking forward to MG4 Trophy ER coming Thursday

    Any specific hints or tips for the Extended Range version? Looking forward to it more than I have a new car for a long time (and only my second ever brand new car). First EV too. I currently have all the gear (Octopus Electroverse, RFID card, charging point etc etc etc) and no idea :-D
  2. Trinit e

    Detailed Technical Docs for MG4 Trophy ER?

    Evening all, Does anyone have access to detailed manuals / docs for a 2024 MG4 Trophy ER? Also quality images of the motor and one pack? Ideally something to be used in SolidWorks or fusion 360? Regards RC
  3. H

    ...Just ordered an MG4 Trophy ER (my first EV) any advice most welcome...

    Hello! Newbie here... After a week or so reading reviews etc I've just ordered an MG 4 Trophy extended range. It will be my first EV, so I thought it would be really useful to shout out to owners, as I'm sure there will be things I'm not aware of, or don't fully understand. I have a daily 20...
  4. MG4London

    MG4 easy to steal?

    On my street there have been a few cars stolen, I also hear with the right skills and equipment it is possible to hack or somehow steal? Is the MG4 difficult to hack? What can be done to prevent or at least reduce risk?
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