
In music theory, a neutral interval is an interval that is neither a major nor minor, but instead in between. For example, in equal temperament, a major third is 400 cents, a minor third is 300 cents, and a neutral third is 350 cents. A neutral interval inverts to a neutral interval. For example, the inverse of a neutral third is a neutral sixth.
Roughly, neutral intervals are a quarter tone sharp from minor intervals and a quarter tone flat from major intervals. In just intonation, as well as in tunings such as 31-ET, 41-ET, or 72-ET, which more closely approximate just intonation, the intervals are closer together.

Neutral second
Neutral third
Neutral sixth
Neutral seventh

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  1. Can anyone (Can't select D or R)

    Hi my 2024 mg trophy have just started not to go into drive or reverse just goes to neutral and that's it I have to turn off all the car exit the car lock it wait 10 minutes get back in and start all again its done this 5 times so far anyone got any ideas about this
  2. E

    Put into N still moves

    This car is first dealings with auto gearbox. Not sure if this should happen pulled up into car park turned dial to choose N but didn't hit park. Took foot off brake and car still moved flat surface not rolling it is moving under power I thought N selected car shouldn't move. Anybody confirm.
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