no reason

No Reason to Cry is the fourth solo studio album by Eric Clapton, released by RSO Records on 27 August 1976. The album was recorded in Malibu and Los Angeles between December 1975 to May 1976. The record went silver in the U.K.

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  1. JohnMG

    Crazy ! Front side window shattered for no reason!

    Just completed over 15,000 miles in 12 months in my 23 plate HS PHEV. Car parked on my driveway, I stepped into the driver's seat, closed the door, only to watch and hear the side window craze and shatter, for no obvious reason. No sign of attempted forced entry, though the crazing starts from...
  2. E

    Thief alarm goes off (horn) for no reason

    Hi All, Sometimes, when I lock the vehicle with the remote control or door button. After a while the alarm starts to beep without any reason. I bought a new MG4 a week ago. In the second day thief alarm started to go off at our car park. At first I thought it was caused by our cat but it...
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