
An octopus (PL: octopuses or octopodes, see below for variants) is a soft-bodied, eight-limbed mollusc of the order Octopoda (, ok-TOP-ə-də). The order consists of some 300 species and is grouped within the class Cephalopoda with squids, cuttlefish, and nautiloids. Like other cephalopods, an octopus is bilaterally symmetric with two eyes and a beaked mouth at the center point of the eight limbs. The soft body can radically alter its shape, enabling octopuses to squeeze through small gaps. They trail their eight appendages behind them as they swim. The siphon is used both for respiration and for locomotion, by expelling a jet of water. Octopuses have a complex nervous system and excellent sight, and are among the most intelligent and behaviourally diverse of all invertebrates.
Octopuses inhabit various regions of the ocean, including coral reefs, pelagic waters, and the seabed; some live in the intertidal zone and others at abyssal depths. Most species grow quickly, mature early, and are short-lived. In most species, the male uses a specially adapted arm to deliver a bundle of sperm directly into the female's mantle cavity, after which he becomes senescent and dies, while the female deposits fertilised eggs in a den and cares for them until they hatch, after which she also dies. Strategies to defend themselves against predators include the expulsion of ink, the use of camouflage and threat displays, the ability to jet quickly through the water and hide, and even deceit. All octopuses are venomous, but only the blue-ringed octopuses are known to be deadly to humans.
Octopuses appear in mythology as sea monsters like the Kraken of Norway and the Akkorokamui of the Ainu, and probably the Gorgon of ancient Greece. A battle with an octopus appears in Victor Hugo's book Toilers of the Sea, inspiring other works such as Ian Fleming's Octopussy. Octopuses appear in Japanese erotic art, shunga. They are eaten and considered a delicacy by humans in many parts of the world, especially the Mediterranean and the Asian seas.

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  1. Laurence Brown

    Octopus charging twice as much as Ohme meter ?

    Does anyone use Octopus with Ohme? I have had the Ohme for the 3.5 years we have owned thew MG ZS. Whch we still think is a brilliant car. We are having billing issues with Octopus after we changed from Bulb. They agree they have a back billing issue and we have had three refunds for...
  2. JohnV6

    Ohme Home Pro not connecting to Octopus app

    I had an Ohme Home Pro installed yesterday by Octopus. Whilst the charge point works and is connected via the Sim card I can't add the device to the Octopus app. I set the charger account up using Google. When i click on the sign in requested by octopus I get a blank screen 4 phone calls and...
  3. T

    Direct Debit Monthly Whole Amount

    About a year ago, I moved from EDF (using the 4.5p offpeak deal from 2 years earlier) to Octopus. With EDF I had a standard, Direct Debit Monthly Whole Amount in that I paid the exact amount of energy I used each month (which was automatically read from my smart meter) via direct debit 14 days...
  4. DK1083

    Intelligent Octopus Q's

    I have a 22 plate Exclusive PFL and a Indra Smart Pro charger. I’m currently on the Octopus Go tariff which means my cheap charging times are in the charger app and it automatically charges to 100% or until the cheap period ends whichever comes first. I’ve been informed today that my charger is...
  5. M

    Paying Electroverse through Octopus Energy account

    Has anyone else found the option to pay Electroverse from their Octopus Energy account has been removed?
  6. wandle MG4 trophy

    Time to ditch Octopus Agile?

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  7. T

    FREE Octopus electric but how to override their charging schedule

    Hello, This may be a dumb question but I can't fathom how to make use of the free electric tomorrow morning on Octopus. FREE between 7-9 Sunday 24th Nov. So here's the problem. I've set my 7kW Zappi to kick in 7-9 (so I don't have to get up at 7 and plug in); but when I plug the car in Octopus...
  8. billybonfire3

    I'm an octopus for years but isn't E-on next drive v4 cheaper

    In the title really. I've been with octopus go for years but I've looked around and on Martin Lewis site and I see that.... My octopus go is 62.22 standing charge 5 overnight hours at 8.5p 19 hours of 26.02 E-on is 64.28 standing charge 7 overnight hours at 6.7p 17 hours of 24.57 (and fixed...
  9. John Sauve Rodd

    I'm with Octopus now - what EV charger do you chaps think is best?

    MG ZS LR 22 plate at a home with 6.6Kwh of solar panels and a smart meter, 'old' (2020) PodPoint charger 7Kwh but not compatible with Octopus. I see Octopus offer a choice of 4: Zappi, Hypervolt, Ohme Home Pro and Ohme Epod. (we also have a 70 plate Renault Zoë) Before I blow a grand I'd be...
  10. Bam Bam

    Good news - Octopus Go + exporting at 15p

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  11. Willie

    Octopus IGO

    Recently when charging my ZS mk1 via the Zappi and using the intelligent go programme / schedule, I get a message on my Iphone stating unable to control the charge. On checking the car battery in the morning I find the battery has been charged, but it looks like it has been charged to 100%. Any...
  12. Gomev

    For those that indulge in plunging

    Instavolt is now being supplied by Octopus and will be part of their price plunging when it happens :)
  13. Rolfe

    Octopus changing its mind.

    Yesterday afternoon when I got back I decided to charge the car up. I plugged the Zappi in, then checked my phone to see what schedule I had. This was for 70% by 9 am. I had 11 pm to 11.30, then 11.30 to 5 am. Fine by me. I changed my inverter settings so that the house would go on to mains...
  14. Bam Bam

    Givenergy + Intelligent Octopus Go bad news

    I attended the Everything Electric Show today. I spoke to Octopus and Givenergy representatives about the fact that the Givenergy Charger isn't yet integrated with Octopus Intelligent Go. I was hoping that they would indicate a date in the coming months when it would be sorted. The bad news...
  15. A

    Octopus Intelligent Go

    Hi I need some help desperately. I have an MG Zs I have an Ohme E pod Charger and I'm trying to switch to Intelligent Octopus Go Tariff. I get a green tick in the charger box and in the car. But every time I get to accept the T's & C's I get an error message. I've spoken to Octopus on numerous...
  16. HazardLights

    Octopus Install of Ohme Home Pro

    Hi, I have just placed an initial order for the Ohme Home Pro from Octopus and am now having a nagging doubt... My consumer unit and meter are in a cupboard in my hall and I reckon they will need to take the cable out the cupboard then through either the utility room or boiler cupboard to get...
  17. billybonfire3

    Can you have a battery and ev, and charge both on cheap octopus go each night and never use peak electric?

    Question in title, probably a yes no answer.
  18. DaevM

    Somewhat irritated - Octopus price rise ?

    Hands up all those that are somewhat irritated by Octopus price rise due to the increase in the rise of the price of gas ?? ?✋✋✋✋. I'm an electric only household and my service provider is leading edge on providing renewables. - Somewhat irritated!
  19. Headgas1

    Octopus Electroverse Card

    Hi all , in the summer I was on holiday in Cornwall and I got really frustrated about charging the car as nearly every charger is a different supplier and you need the app but when you try to download it your phone has no signal. You ring the helpline who offer no help whatsoever! When I got to...
  20. P

    OHME home pro & octopus energy

    have ohme updated their app so that no one can set price cap on intelligent octopus tariff ? For a year I have been using the spend cap feature absolutely with no problems but it now looks as if I can’t do that any more. Anyone else have that issue? The reason I do this is because it’s more...
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