
Overtaking or passing is the act of one vehicle going past another slower moving vehicle, travelling in the same direction, on a road. The lane used for overtaking another vehicle is often a passing lane farther from the road shoulder, which is to the left in places that drive on the right and to the right in places that drive on the left.

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  1. P

    Strange goings on.. (over-revving change in behaviour)

    Got my mg3 hybrid in November did the running in bit no excessive revving of engine etc until 900 miles...then just lately I have noticed it's not kicking down and excessively revving when going to overtake..smoother in town too..was wondering if it's had an "over the air update"?? If that's a...
  2. securespark

    Slamming On (Again)

    Mrs S has been gadding about while I've been holed up in the hospital. Heartless bugger. She even went out to one of our regular scofferies without me. Anyhow, she had another slam-on scare where His Lordship jammed on the anchors as he thought she was going to crash into some parked cars she...
  3. Bricktop X PWR

    Goodbye all..... 🥲

    No, not you lot! Just everyone I overtake!! 🤣 I imagine that overtaking is a rare manoeuvre for some of you in urban settings?
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