
Overtaking or passing is the act of one vehicle going past another slower moving vehicle, travelling in the same direction, on a road. The lane used for overtaking another vehicle is often a passing lane farther from the road shoulder, which is to the left in places that drive on the right and to the right in places that drive on the left.

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  1. DMeine

    Loss of power due to empty battery / uphill driving / acceleration / overtaking

    On the way home, I once again had to experience that the car in normal mode with ACC did not accelerate when overtaking. The battery was empty except for 2 bars and it no longer accelerated, and that was at 110 km/h. If something like that happens on a country road, it can quickly become...
  2. E

    High revs when overtaking or accelerating from slip road.

    Hi, first post been reading and garnering information from the forum. Can't see anything about this, lately when I put foot down to accelerate to over take or entering from slip road. The engine revs really high sometimes showing at 5000rpm it's almost as if car thinks it should drop a gear...
  3. B

    Overtaking Lights On Door Mirrors

    I have noticed several times now that if I am in heavy traffic on the motorway after a while both amber lights on both wing mirrors stay on and do not turn off when there are no cars in either side lane They do go off when you stop and turn the car off and work as normal until heavy traffic...
  4. O

    Whose side are you on!

    Only me, so do not take this to seriously. Like most I have my favourite stretches of country roads, which previous to my SE LR where taken in a diesel 307 , and enjoyable up to when you had to overtake a slower car. The MG4 has opened up new overtaking possibilities and consequently I am...
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