
Parcel post is a postal service for mail that is too heavy for normal letter post. It is usually slower than letter post. The development of the parcel post is closely connected with the development of the railway network which enabled parcels to be carried in bulk, to a regular schedule, and at economical prices. Today, many parcels also travel by road and international shipments may travel by sea or airmail.

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  1. D

    Broken parcel shelf hinge

    Hi got our new car Monday morning everything looks great but went in the boot yesterday and found the near side parcel shelf hinge was snapped. Has anyone had similar happen. Will have to ring the dealers again.
  2. Slipstream

    Rear parcel tray

    Hi everyone. I removed my parcel tray yesterday, I noticed on the underside there is a sticker. Some Chinese writing and some English one line says: EH32436A01 does anyone know if part of this is the build date of the car or just the manufacturing date of the tray ?
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