
A petition is a request to do something, most commonly addressed to a government official or public entity. Petitions to a deity are a form of prayer called supplication.
In the colloquial sense, a petition is a document addressed to an official and signed by numerous individuals. A petition may be oral rather than written, or may be transmitted via the Internet.

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  1. Big Ears

    Winter fuel payment petition

    Please sign, we're not all wealthy and some I know will really struggle without it...
  2. P

    40 and counting (vibration petition)

    Looks to be gaining a little more traction.
  3. KMC

    Petition found XPOWER FAULT.

    Dear X Power owners, I came across this petition on FB & knew a number of you should see it. Im not clever enough to copy the link so have added a screenshot. Hope it helps ?
  4. B

    Ev chargers petition

    I'd love as many people as possible to sign this petition and to share it far and wide amongst the EV community. I bought my MG 5 LR in March 23 and since then the cost of charging on the move has gone up around 15p per kWh, whilst petrol and diesel have dropped almost 50p per ltr...
  5. Freeagain21

    Petition MG about Driver Settings

    Not sure whether this has been shared before, but I stumbled upon this petition today. Not sure what good a petition can do in this case, but in for a penny ...
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