
An aircraft pilot or aviator is a person who controls the flight of an aircraft by operating its directional flight controls. Some other aircrew members, such as navigators or flight engineers, are also considered aviators because they are involved in operating the aircraft's navigation and engine systems. Other aircrew members, such as drone operators, flight attendants, mechanics and ground crew, are not classified as aviators.
In recognition of the pilots' qualifications and responsibilities, most militaries and many airlines worldwide award aviator badges to their pilots.

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  1. Noel

    If you find the MG Assist Pilot system confusing have a look at this

    Have a look at . This is another video by Jerry Pan, who publishes excellent YouTube videos relating to MG cars. This one relates to the MG4. However, it’s identical to the system in the ZS Hybrid +
  2. C

    MG Pilot - basic guide for the Cyberster?

    Hi all. Ive just picked up my Cyberster and it’s my first car for 15 years - so I’m a little overwhelmed with the MG Pilot options. I’ve watched a few videos and tried some options in the car - but is there a simple guide how to do the following? On the motorway have the car do lane assist...
  3. M

    Fronius Watt Pilot

    Hi I have mg mg4 excite 51. Electrician installed the 7kW line. Using fronius watt pilot to charge. When using it as a dumb charger, all works well. When using it in eco mode, occasionally I see the mg is charging at 0kW. Ie not charging according to ismart app. And the solar system is...
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