
Pitting corrosion, or pitting, is a form of extremely localized corrosion that leads to the random creation of small holes in metal. The driving power for pitting corrosion is the depassivation of a small area, which becomes anodic (oxidation reaction) while an unknown but potentially vast area becomes cathodic (reduction reaction), leading to very localized galvanic corrosion. The corrosion penetrates the mass of the metal, with a limited diffusion of ions.
Another term arises, pitting factor, which is defined as the ratio of the depth of the deepest pit (resulting due to corrosion) to the average penetration, which can be calculated based on the weight loss.

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  1. Mikel14

    Rear brake callipers

    Has anyone found a problem with rear break callipers sticking on and pitting on the brake disks. Only had the car just over a month, 500 miles on the clock.
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