
A spark plug is an electrical device used in an internal combustion engine to produce a spark which ignites the air-fuel mixture in the combustion chamber. As part of the engine's ignition system, the spark plug receives high-voltage electricity (generated by an ignition coil in modern engines and transmitted via a spark plug wire) which it uses to generate a spark in the small gap between the positive and negative electrodes. The timing of the spark is a key factor in the engine's behaviour, and the spark plug usually operates shortly before the combustion stroke commences.
The spark plug was invented in 1860, however its use only became widespread after the invention of the ignition magneto in 1902. Diesel engines use compression ignition (instead of spark ignition), therefore they do not normally use spark plugs.

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  1. J

    MG4 Plug and Play Sound System Upgrade

    So I found these two products online and I just wanted to ask if anyone has experience with these. Bose Tweeters: Saic Bose Tweeter for MG Plug and Play Trunk Subwoofer (That fits absolutly perfect) If this works as easy as its seems to me...
  2. JohnV6

    V2L Plug for MG ZS EV

    I bought this of ebay and it works on my ZS (2024 reg car). They do ask what car you have. I'll keep it as a safety for the power cuts we sometimes get.
  3. M

    MG4 2022 front radar wiring

    Hi all I removed the front bumper on my mg4 2022 and the wires pulled out of the plug to the radar. Does anyone have a picture of the wiring or a diagram? Thanks
  4. S

    13A fuse blowing on MG4 Trophy granny charger plug.

    I have an intermittent problem with a 13A fuse blowing in the 3 pin plug of a granny charger for an MG4 Trophy. The RCD on the mains supply circuit also trips on occasion. The charger plug is connected directly (no extension lead) to a standard UK 3 pin 240V socket. The charger has always used...
  5. J

    Granny charger using a smart plug with usage monitor

    Hi all, Looking for some advice, I have a 23 plate MG ZS EV long range. We have two electric cars in our household and only one 7kW wall charger. The other car is a Citroen and doesn’t have a programmable charging time option. As a result I often use the 3pin granny charger from the garage...
  6. J

    UK 3 PIN plug charger… waterproof?

    Hi Everyone, I have a long range ZS EV. In our household we have two electric cars and only one fitted wall charger. My car came with a 3 pin plug which I am considering using whilst the other car is using the wall charger. I have an outdoor plug socket that I can use but unsure if the...
  7. R

    12 volt plug in boot.

    . Hello. I've had a look and can't find one in an obvious place. Does the ZS have a 12 volt (cigarette lighter socket) outlet in the boot? Maybe hidden away? Rob
  8. JJeep

    car plug lights on without charging?

    Is there a situation for the car plug lights to be on without the charger conneccted other than when charging? I opened the lid after some passing problem with the back doors (I could't open them nor the charger lid) and the lights or leds were on. Thanks
  9. P

    Unable to charge with CCS chargers

    Hi all, Apologies if this issue has been discussed elsewhere, I just can’t find it. We have just recently bought a used MG ZS gen 1. I’ve managed to charge it on the slow public chargers but not on the CCS DC option. I’ve tried various types around town with the same result, connects and then...
  10. Silver estate

    HS plug in or ZS ?

    Just had a very tempting email from my local MG dealer about upgrading and as I find my MG5 low for my needs now Which would be better ZS full electric or HS Phev . My work place is 20 miles at most away and only do 10/15miles at weekends so 75 mile range on HS not problem RFL is going on EV’s...
  11. Alan Lamb

    Battery (12V)

    Dose anyone know what type of 12V battery is fitted to the mg hs phev. Is it AMG, EFB or what; none of the battery supplies seem to know and it doesn't say on the battery .
  12. M

    MG4 long range won't charge automatically on plug in?

    Hi there, When I plug my charger into my mg it lights up for a few seconds as though it is being charged then goes back to blue and stops. I have to instruct the car to start charging from the app? Why has it started doing this as I used to plug in and it started automatically? I've...
  13. G

    What is the right way to charge? Car on or off?

    When I rapid charge, I usually shut off my car before plugging in the charger. Works fine. When I'm at home and insert the charger when the car is off, it's usually harder to get the car to charge. And if it works, it takes a lot longer for it to switch from blue to green. It's usually not too...
  14. S

    Water in boot lid

    Hi all just having a tidy up and noticed the boot floor is wet underneath the tray where the pump and towing eye sits any one have this issue at all thanks.
  15. T

    Off Topic : Plug n play wifi extender?

    Apologies for the slight off topic : Just got a new broadband provider (to Vodafone from BT) : Whilst I've discovered a neat trick in that I've renamed (and password) all the BT wifi stuff to Vodaforn wifi, I'm still a little short? .i.e. our house has thick walls / complex for us to see...
  16. D

    Which plug is fitted to the supplied charging lead?

    My wife's MG5 Motability car came without a charging lead, although it did have a granny charger in the boot. MG is supplying a new cable as all MG electrics should have one with agreement between MG and Motability. Does anyone know what connection plugs are on each end of the lead, i.e. Type 2...
  17. F

    Charge port lock stuck

    The charge socket on the car appears to have a locking pin at the 12 o'clock position that deploys to prevent the plug being removed. Mine appears to have become confused and is deployed without the plug inserted so I cannot properly insert the charge plug. Is there a way to reset this or...
  18. DaevM

    Plug & Charge

    Hi y'all. Tried searching on 'plug & charge' or 'plug and charge' but search doesn't like '&' or 'and' as too short or common ? Anyway got far too many returns with plug / charge in as you can imagine. Just came across plug & charge on Octopus app and it looks promising for the future of ev...
  19. G

    MG4 - standard provided three point plug only giving 1.8kw

    Hi I have just purchased a newly new MG4 SE 23 plate. I havent got a 7kw charger installed at home yet so I have plugged the mg provided three point plug. MG iSmart is telling me that the charging power is 1.8kw. Now I thought I would be getting around 3kw using the 3 point plug cable that...
  20. B

    How to open cover to obd plug on hs phev please

    Can you please explain how to open the cover/cubby hole to get to my obd socket?
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