
A podcast is an episodic series of spoken word digital audio files that a user can download to a personal device for easy listening. Streaming applications and podcasting services provide a convenient and integrated way to manage a personal consumption queue across many podcast sources and playback devices.
A podcast series usually features one or more recurring hosts engaged in a discussion about a particular topic or current event. Discussion and content within a podcast can range from carefully scripted to completely improvised. Podcasts combine elaborate and artistic sound production with thematic concerns ranging from scientific research to slice-of-life journalism. Many podcast series provide an associated website with links and show notes, guest biographies, transcripts, additional resources, commentary, and even a community forum dedicated to discussing the show's content.
The cost to the consumer is low. While many podcasts are free to download, some are underwritten by corporations or sponsored, with the inclusion of commercial advertisements. In other cases, a podcast could also be a business venture supported by some combination of a paid subscription model, advertising or product delivered after sale.
People are motivated to create a podcast for a number of reasons. The podcast producer, who is often the podcast host as well, may wish to express a personal passion, increase professional visibility, enter into a social network of influencers or influential ideas, cultivate a community of like-minded viewership, or put forward pedagogical or ideological ideas (possibly under philanthropic support).
Because podcast content is often free or, at the very least, affordable for the average podcast consumer, podcasting is often classified as a disruptive medium, which is adverse to the maintenance of traditional revenue models. Long-running podcasts with a substantial back catalogue are amenable to binge consumption.

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  1. D

    RSS Feed for MG EV Podcast

    Hi, trying to find the URL for the RSS feed to the audio version of the MG EV Podcast Regards Brian
  2. Noel

    MG Podcast

    Yesterday evening I watched the MG EV Podcast, which centred mainly on the problems being discussed, by members of the MG ZS Hybrid+ forum. I found the feedback from owners very interesting. The elephant ‘not’ in the room, however turned out to be, that there was no one there representing MG UK...
  3. tsedge

    Next podcast: Looking for MG ZS Hybrid+ owners, can you help us?

    Hi folks, We're planning to cover all things MG Hybrid, including the MG ZS Hybrid+ on our next podcast which will be recorded on Monday 24th February at 7.30pm. The episode will then air a few days later. We're looking for several people who have an MG3 Hybrid+ or MG ZS Hybrid+ (or both!) to...
  4. tsedge

    Next Podcast: We need MG3 Hybrid+ owners, can you help?

    Hi folks, We're planning to cover all things MG Hybrid, including the MG3 Hybrid+ on our next podcast which will be recorded on Monday 24th February at 7.30pm. The episode will then air a few days later. We're looking for several people who have an MG3 Hybrid+ or MG ZS Hybrid+ (or both!) to...
  5. Stuart Wright

    9-12-24: We look back at 2024 and forward to 2025

    Monday 9th December 2024 at 7:30pm. Christmas 2024 Edition. We look back at the big MG EV news of 2024 and forward to what we hope might happen in 2025. If anyone MG owning members of MGEVs.com would like to join us on any future podcasts to share your experiences, please start a...
  6. Stuart Wright

    Podcast coming October 22nd is with some of the UKs first Cyberster owners

    We go live at 7:30pm BST. Join us live to ask your questions and share your opinions. https://www.mgevs.com/threads/mg-evs-podcast-tuesday-22-october-2024-7-30pm-bst.19011/
  7. Stuart Wright

    22-10-24: The first UK Cyberster owners share their experiences

    Tuesday 22nd October 2024 at 7:30pm. In this podcast, the first UK Cyberster owners share their experiences First ownership impressions? Collection experiences? What do they love about it? Any issues? Any accessories bought or needed? Comparisons: how does it compare to other cars they have...
  8. Stuart Wright

    24-09-2024: Cyberster UK launch details (facts, figures, options) & first driving experiences

    Tuesday 24th September 2024 at 7:30pm. In this podcast we discuss the UK launch of the Cyberster. Cyberster UK launch details (facts and figures, options etc...). Cyberster first driving experiences. Leo's road MG5 European trip. If anyone would like to join us on any future podcasts to share...
  9. tsedge

    Upcoming Podcast: What do you want to know about the Cyberster?

    Hi folks, We have been itching to do a deep dive on the Cyberster as soon as it arrives in the UK, we have some long distance driving reports and early experiences, but what are the questions that you'd like answered? Please post them below. Thanks!
  10. Stuart Wright

    20-08-24: Battery management techniques. How to preserve your EV range

    Tuesday 20th August 2024 at 7:30pm. In this podcast we discuss the highest voted topic in our poll. https://www.mgevs.com/threads/what-topic-should-we-cover-in-our-next-podcast.17441/ Battery management techniques We plan to cover the following discussion points: Different battery chemistries...
  11. Stuart Wright

    30-07-2024: MG EV News & Cyberster first drive experience

    Tuesday 30th July 2024 at 7:30pm. In this podcast, we bring you the latest news about MG EVs and generally relating to electric vehicles in the UK. Also having driven both the Trophy and GT versions of the Cyberster, Miles brings us his opinion of the imminently available sports soft top. UK...
  12. Stuart Wright

    Vibrations at high speeds, causes and solutions

    From our podcast 8th July 2024 where we discuss vibrations at high speeds, causes and solutions. 4. VIBRATIONS AT HIGH SPEEDS MG4 X Power Vibe/Hum 65 to 75mph Wheels not balanced on new car Dealer refuses to help PROBLEM: When running at high speeds (typically motorway or at least over 60+...
  13. Stuart Wright

    12v battery problems, causes and solutions

    From our podcast 8th July 2024 where we discuss 12 volt battery problems, causes and solutions. 1. 12V BATTERY GOES DEAD MG5 (FL) 12V Battery Drain Dead 12V battery - any help and advice please? 12V Battery dead, how to charge? MG4 battery always dead after holiday PROBLEM: The 12V battery...
  14. Stuart Wright

    08-07-2024: Common MG EV issues and how to solve them

    Monday 8th July 2024 at 7:30pm. The topic for this podcast as voted for by the community is: Common MG EV issues and how to solve them We address the common problems that owners have faced with their MG EVs and talk about the causes and solutions that they have found. If anyone would like to...
  15. Stuart Wright

    Invitation to MG3 Hybrid+ owners to join the MGEVs Podcast

    Hello, we're interested in hearing the experiences of owners of the new MG3 Hybrid+ on the podcast. Would anyone like to join us to chat about your decision to buy, your experience of receiving and driving the car and any feedback? The podcast is a pretty informal and not something to get...
  16. tsedge

    Have your say on future MGEVs Podcasts

    Hi folks, I am just highlighting this thread, please contribute your votes to this thread on what you'd like us to cover in future podcasts, thank you. https://www.mgevs.com/threads/what-topic-should-we-cover-in-our-next-podcast.17441/
  17. Stuart Wright

    What topic should we cover in our next podcast?

    What topic should we cover in our next podcast? Please vote for your favourites. You can vote for up to 3 choices and we will look first at the topics with the most votes. Thank you! [Edit: The most voted topic Common MG EV issues and how to solve them has been chosen for the July 24 2024...
  18. Stuart Wright

    24-06-2024: Which UK political party is best for EV drivers?

    WHICH PARTY is best for EV drivers? Ahead of the imminent UK General Election, who will be the best party for EV drivers? Let's get political and talk about incentives, discounts and policies. Please note that the podcast is about the politics relevant specifically to EV drivers and unrelated...
  19. Stuart Wright

    MG EVs Podcast Monday 10 June 2024 @ 7:30pm BST

    The MG4 got plenty of accolades and now the Cyberster is getting positive first reviews. Are MG on a roll? We talk MG EVs on Monday evening. Join us at 7:30pm BST to comment and ask questions. You can listen to our audio version within 24 hours of the YouTube live stream...
  20. Les burrows

    The future of MG motors

    Following the information given on the podcast on Monday by Miles Robert’s from Chorley Group he as now put out this video with more details of what might be coming to the UK in the future from MG nice job Miles thank you. Les
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