
DNA polymerase lambda, also known as Pol λ, is an enzyme found in all eukaryotes. In humans, it is encoded by the POLL gene.

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  1. MG Clive

    XPower (only) colour POLL

    I know this has been done for the MG4, but I'd like to know the Xpower colour distribution, so this is specifically a poll for XPower drivers only please. Thanks.
  2. D

    Would you have another MG after the MG4 ?

    So I know we have the other poll, but alot of us voted during the “honeymoon phase” This poll is for those that have owned their MG4 for at least 6months and would they buy another MG4 or even keep the one they have ? I had my launch model SE for one year then sold it, I personally would...
  3. Bricktop X PWR

    Anatomy of a near miss.

    Just a bit of fun on a slooow Sunday at home! This sort of thing really is standard fayre living rurally as I do. Most back roads are relatively quiet here, and it is my observation over the last 5 years living in West Wales, that folk do not necessarily take as much care as they should. I...
  4. tsedge

    Cyberster Poll: What will you use yours for?

    Hi, While everyone is waiting, I thought it might be fun to find out what people intend to use their Cybersters for. Not everyone has the same purpose in mind.
  5. Bam Bam

    Poll: Why did you go electric?

    Apologies if this has already been asked, but I thought I'd see what people take to be their primary reason for going electric. Obviously they are all going to factors but which one got you excited enough about electric cars to entice you?
  6. Stuart Wright

    What topic should we cover in our next podcast?

    What topic should we cover in our next podcast? Please vote for your favourites. You can vote for up to 3 choices and we will look first at the topics with the most votes. Thank you! [Edit: The most voted topic Common MG EV issues and how to solve them has been chosen for the July 24 2024...
  7. D

    Put OVMS back in.

    Put the OVMS module back in, it's currently in the void in the centre console sitting on top of whatever ECU/Device sits in there (Didn't seem to bother it last time). Still can't poll when the car is locked without setting off the alarm :( and unless there's a way to disable OBD2 traffic...
  8. N

    POLL on the bulging undertray: occurence and effects

    There is substantial information in this forum about undertray related issues. It varies from from suggested negative aerodynamical effects that increases power consumption up to undertrays breaking and falling off. To get a better understanding of the issue we will start with a simple poll...
  9. Bricktop X PWR

    New X Power Vibe Poll.

    So, as we all now know, the vibes felt in the car are real. And, as we all know, there is still no definitive repair/fix from MG despite many owners complaints on the matter. I wanted to find out from owners like me, who have had the vibes from new, and who are now either just living with it...
  10. Psychic Embers

    What colour has everyone gone for?

    Thought I’d start a poll just to see what’s the popular option for those who’ve ordered so far. Hopefully I’ve set it up right so you can select the exterior, hood and interior. I’ve left it so you can change your vote - as although I’ve ordered Dynamic Red I’m seriously thinking of changing to...
  11. B

    What've you got?

    Wondering what the split is over the range is now the car has been out a while. I haven't seen a poll like this and if there was one it's likely outdated with the new additions to the MG4 family. I would try and find the various names for the different regions but I'd likely muck it up so if...
  12. JonnyG

    POLL : MG4 Xpower Steering Vibration

    Does your MG4 Xpower suffer from Steering vibration when cruising at around 66-70mph and if an official fix was available would you want it ? Thought this might be useful to gauge numbers and the percentage experiencing the issue. It might then be useful ammo to show the dealers / MG UK. I...
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