power down

Richard William Heinberg is an American journalist and educator who has written extensively on energy, economic, and ecological issues, including oil depletion. He is the author of 14 books, and presently serves as the senior fellow at the Post Carbon Institute.

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  1. W

    KERS Power Down

    Hello, KERS was dropping to -25 level in its 3rd stage. After my last AC charge, my vehicle was charged to 100% and then KERS started working strangely. Now I can only see the -20 level and the brake grip has decreased, it feels like I am in level 2 KERS mode. I thought it was because the charge...
  2. B

    MG4 Restricted speed - weird

    Big shot in the dark that anyone else has experienced this, but worth a go. My drive home involves a short blast up a dual carriageway from a set of lights, bit of a Grand Prix to be honest. Twice now I’ve floored the car up it and it’s resolutely refused to do more than 71-75mph. It’s not a...
  3. Steve58

    MG4 switches off at traffic lights with driver still at the wheel

    Has anyone pressed P park at a long set of traffic lights then been unable to move off after selecting D drive until after performing a system restart (lock and unlock)? I'll use the park hold switch next time! I'm guessing the car powered itself off because the cars operating system thought...
  4. Kentboy

    Going away for a week's holiday - do I power off the MG4 completely?

    What it says in the headline. I won't be using the MG4 for eight days or so. The dealer said in these circumstances you should do a complete power down. But I've learned to question everything I've heard. Normally I just hit park and leave it. Is a complete power down a good idea? I do know how...
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