
An air preheater is any device designed to heat air before another process (for example, combustion in a boiler With the primary objective of increasing the thermal efficiency of the process. They may be used alone or to replace a recuperative heat system or to replace a steam coil.
In particular, this article describes the combustion air preheaters used in large boilers found in thermal power stations producing electric power from e.g. fossil fuels, biomass or waste. For instance, as the Ljungström air preheater has been attributed worldwide fuel savings estimated to 4,960,000,000 tons of oil, "few inventions have been as successful in saving fuel as the Ljungström Air Preheater", marked as the 44th International Historic Mechanical Engineering Landmark by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers.The purpose of the air preheater is to recover the heat from the boiler flue gas which increases the thermal efficiency of the boiler by reducing the useful heat lost in the flue gas. As a consequence, the flue gases are also conveyed to the flue gas stack (or chimney) at a lower temperature, allowing simplified design of the conveyance system and the flue gas stack. It also allows control over the temperature of gases leaving the stack (to meet emissions regulations, for example). It is installed between the economizer and chimney.

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  1. MG67

    HV battery (preheat, 2021?)

    Can my 2021 MG ZS EV preheat the battery before charging?
  2. JimmyTwotimes

    Home charging and preheat battery when its cold

    I've tried to make sense of some of the preheat threads on here but i'm not sure the question I have is answered, so here goes.... When scheduling an overnight charge for my car (MG4 Trophy Long Range, Octopus Intelligent Go and Zappi charger) at home and when the weather is cold (lets say for...
  3. R

    Preheat battery - Which time?

    In the app it says "start time". Is this the time I start to drive or the time for the heating to start? I noticed that the set time always is one hour ahead, so my guess is that it's the time I start to drive?
  4. L

    Pre heating cabin and/or battery whilst plugged in at home, hypervolt.

    I’ve watched many YouTube videos and read this forum but still have some questions/issues (picking up the car today trophy LR): -has there been an update to now allow the car to pre heat the cabin whilst being plugged in but after charging? -how do you ensure that the car uses power from the...
  5. dannyg3081

    How to preheat the cabin by using the granny charger

    Hi, here it's getting cold, so I am wondering how could I preheat the cabin's car using the granny charger instead of taking energy from the battery. With my Dacia Spring it was very easy but with MG4 I couldn't figure out how to start preheating the cabin by using the granny. Any advice is...
  6. Jto

    Heating on granny charging

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  7. F


    Hi, Colder mornings are coming so I thought I’d have a try at preheating the car through the app but not sure I’m doing it correctly as it never seems warm when I open the door. I assume it’s the HVAC bit? I set that to 24 degrees and left it for ten mins and the car was still cold when I got...
  8. R

    Preset car conditioning while on charge

    . Hello I have an Ohme home charger and it has a function to pre heat the car but when I try to use it, it tells me to set it up in the car first. Does the ZS have this function? Regards Rob .
  9. J

    Preheat / cooling A/C question

    Used ismart today to try and cool the car prior to leaving for home. Heard the hvac running as I walked up to the car but it didn’t feel particularly cold when I got in and the 10 minutes was nearly up. I’d driven early this morning when it was chillier and to eke out some miles, had turned...
  10. MG4London

    How do you pre heat the battery

    I can’t find the "pre heat the battery" function on any setting.
  11. ukslim

    Indications for using battery heating (now the weather is getting colder)

    Does the bug affect cabin pre-heat, battery pre-heat or both? I decided to do a battery pre-heat this morning. Started it 90 minutes before departure; app said it was on. Looked again 30 minutes before departure and app said it was off.
  12. S

    Preheat Cabin & Battery Not Working

    Hey. Had my SE SR since September 2022. Cabin preheating has worked most of the time, but now it’s refusing which given this week’s weather is beyond frustrating. Is the issue with cabin preheating not working when the car is plugged in but not charging still a thing? Also noticed when the...
  13. H

    Smart app upgrade, I am unable to preheat car anymore.

    Since having to upgrade the Smart app. When I use the front windscreen defrosting option. It just blows cold air. Does anyone know how to change this to blow hot air?
  14. P

    Pre Heat Issues

    So, I am interested to hear from the collective... Have any of you suffered from issues when trying to Pre-Heat? I can Pre-Heat the cabin when the car is plugged in and charging, but crucially I cannot Pre-Heat when the car is not plugged in? I get a failure to execute. Code 47. I have the...
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