radio module

Almost all radio stations today use some form of broadcast automation. Although some only use small scripts in audio players, a more robust solution is using a full radio automation suite. There are many commercial and free radio automation packages available.

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  1. M

    Radio Module Inistialising and the radio is not working

    Does any one know how to solve the issue with my stereo and the screen it is showing radio module initialising. This happend after I've tried to reset the stereo through engineering mode.
  2. Jomarkh

    Radio module initialising?

    Hi, I have had this a few times in the past but it is getting worse. It can show this image for 10+ minutes and sometimes doesn't go off until the car is stopped and locked up then restarted. Anyone else seen this?
  3. scubaginty

    Radio module failure

    Well the latest from the saga with the ZSLR is After replacing the steering column the warning lights for rear seat belts was flashing intermittent, radio came on with car off and off when car put in drive. Forward collision, main beam coming on in the day light. Dealer has tried to fix numerous...
  4. Dragons Wings

    Radio Module Disconnected

    Hi coming home today the Radio stopped working in my HSPHEV and Radio Module Disconnected appeared on the screen. Any ideas how to resolve it please?
  5. Grandad

    Radio module disconnected

    Hi all I am getting the message radio module disconnected. Anyone had this issue and resolved it thanks
  6. M

    “Radio Module Disconnected” - ZS EV (2021)

    In 2 years, the radio of my ZS EV (2021) shows for the 2nd time “Radio Module Disconnected” meaning that once again I have no radio. MG Service Dept advised me Quote I'm Afraid the vehicle will need to be booked in for Diagnostic testing . There is a hard reset that can be done but that will not...
  7. D

    Radio module initialising

    Hi, I have a Mg EHS Plugin and I am having this message on my radio: "Radio Module initialising" I saw it is a quite known issue, I would like to know it there is any patch to install by usb entering engineering mode, or other ways to fix it. I saw that in another forum they posted a patch, but...
  8. D

    Radio Module initialising

    Hi, I have a Mg EHS Plugin and I am having this message on my radio: "Radio Module initialising" I saw it is a quite known issue, I would like to know it there is any patch to install by usb entering engineering mode, or other ways to fix it. I saw that in another forum...
  9. Jomarkh

    Radio module disconnected

    Hi, for the last two day my radio has come up with this on the display. It seems to change functions but is locked onto AM 909kHz with sound. The usb and Bluetooth work fine. Any ideas how to get it back working?
  10. N

    Radio Module Disconnected!

    The message 'Radio Module Disconnected' appeared a couple of days ago and I am now unable to change the radio channel at all - stuck with Greatest Hits radio. Have looked through the manuals and there appears to be nothing about this problem. Have done a reset and nothing has changed other than...
  11. rogerco

    Radio module disconnected ??

    About a month ago the screen started showing "Radio Module Disconnected" and playing loud white noise when turned on. I can still select bluetooth music which works ok. I never use the radio but its a bit annoying. Does anyone know how to fix this? System reset makes no difference and the...
  12. D

    MG EHS Radio module location

    Hello, can anybody please tell me where the Radio modul is located? I've changed the hole Audiosysteme with Ground Zero Speakers and now want to add an Amplifier but cant find the Radio Module to get an signal from the Radio to the amp.
  13. fshuk1

    MG5 Radio Module Initializing

    Any idea how to fix this please?
  14. Radio module replacement

    Hi guys my long range mg5 went into dealers today as it was showing radio module initialising when they phoned me up they confirmed that it needed a replacementhol module they said they would order the part but could not give me an eta. Does anyone who’s had this done know the waiting time for...
  15. B

    Radio module initialising

    Hi has anyone had any problems with the radio module initialising my head until went into engender mode when I started the car I just pressed exit and now it will not connect the radio it just keeps saying radio module initialising. I have been back to my mg dealers they said its a known fault...
  16. C

    mg ehs radio module initialising

    hi all i got new mg ehs and the radio work good for two weeks. after 2 weeks i got on radio message: radio module initialising , and the radio not working. i go to garage and they try to make reset deafult and unplug the power for the multimedia, but its the same/ anyone know what should i do?
  17. B

    MG ZS EV Radio Module Disconnected

    Hello together, I came across this forum while searching for help. We are from Hamburg and have leased the MG ZS EV for 2 years to gain our first experience with an electric car. So far, we are actually very satisfied and are very happy that we decided to buy the car. Unfortunately, a problem...
  18. Rob Healy

    Radio Module Initialising

    I’ve been using Apple Car Play for a while but went to use the DAB yesterday and it keeps showing ‘Radio Module Initialising’ and not doing anything else. FM and AM are also affected. Any suggestions please?
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