
A backup camera (also called a reversing camera or rear-view camera) is a video camera specifically designed to be attached to the rear of a vehicle to aid in reversing and reduce the rear blind spot. The rear blind spot has been described as a "killing zone" due to the accidents it contributes to. Backup cameras are usually connected to the vehicle's head unit display. A common variant is a surround-view system, which assembles a synthetic but positionally accurate top-down view of the vehicle and its surroundings.
Backup cameras have been regulated by law in Canada and the United States since 2018. Since May of that year, backup cameras have been required on all new vehicles sold in the United States.

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  1. S

    Parking camera on 2023 standard model (Germany)?

    Hello, I m thinking to buy a second hand MG4 from 2023. Does anyone know if this standard version (from Germany) comes with a rear-camera for easy parking? I see the current model has, but the 2023 I'm not sure. To give an idea what I'm talking about see below link. No camera is mentioned there...
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