repair cost

Right to repair is a legal right for owners of devices and equipment to freely modify and repair products such as automobiles, electronics, and farm equipment. Right to repair may also refer to the social movement of citizens putting pressure on their governments to enact laws protecting a right to repair.
Common obstacles to repair include requirements to use only the manufacturer's maintenance services, restrictions on access to tools and components, and software barriers.
Proponents for this right point to the benefits in affordability, sustainability, and availability of critical supplies in times of crisis.

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  1. PaulC82

    Car Accident… :(

    Gutted my ZS has been reversed into today in a retail park car park. The old boy who did it, his car is, predictably undamaged because he hit mine with his towbar! It’s done the lower rear drivers door, lower plastic sill piece, dented the rear lower arch/sill itself, wheel trim and damaged the...
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