
The Revised Version (RV) or English Revised Version (ERV) of the Bible is a late-19th-century British revision of the King James Version. It was the first (and remains the only) officially authorised and recognised revision of the King James Version in Great Britain. The work was entrusted to over 50 scholars from various denominations in Great Britain. American scholars were invited to co-operate, by correspondence. Its New Testament was published in 1881, its Old Testament in 1885, and its Apocrypha in 1894. The best known of the translation committee members were Brooke Foss Westcott and Fenton John Anthony Hort; their fiercest critics of that period were John William Burgon, George Washington Moon, and George Saintsbury.

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  1. dsr

    Revised User Manual?

    Does anyone know if there an updated manual in the pipeline? As a small example, the online one refers to 17” wheels only, while 18” ones have been around for quite some time.
  2. LenEV2016

    Revised/upgraded X Power

    I was thinking, what's people's thoughts on when they come to revise the X Power if they upped the price (still under £40k) but in return upped the quality ( and obviously got rid of the vibes) Stuff off the top of my head. When I had one for the day I felt it needed better seats, more support...
  3. dsimpkins

    Foot rest

    I removed my foot rest today so that I could take some measurements from it, and hopefully create a revised version that is a different angle to be more comfortable. What a mess was lurking underneath it! Needless to say, it's been cleaned up. I also found a bit of liquid on the side of the...
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