
The name Robert is an ancient Germanic given name, from Proto-Germanic *Hrōþi- "fame" and *berhta- "bright" (Hrōþiberhtaz). Compare Old Dutch Robrecht and Old High German Hrodebert (a compound of Hruod (Old Norse: Hróðr) "fame, glory, honour, praise, renown, godlike" and berht "bright, light, shining"). It is the second most frequently used given name of ancient Germanic origin. It is also in use as a surname. Another commonly used form of the name is Rupert.
After becoming widely used in Continental Europe, the name entered England in its Old French form Robert, where an Old English cognate form (Hrēodbēorht, Hrodberht, Hrēodbēorð, Hrœdbœrð, Hrœdberð, Hrōðberχtŕ) had existed before the Norman Conquest. The feminine version is Roberta. The Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish form is Roberto.
Robert is also a common name in many Germanic languages, including English, German, Dutch, Norwegian, Swedish, Scots, Danish, and Icelandic. It can be used as a French, Polish, Irish, Finnish, Romanian, and Estonian name as well.

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  1. Les burrows

    MG4 and solid state Batteries

    Yes Robert Llewelyn has said I his latest fully charged show the MG4 is to be fitted with solid state batteries in 2025 take a look at his video from around 13 minutes into it Les
  2. Les burrows

    The future of MG motors

    Following the information given on the podcast on Monday by Miles Robert’s from Chorley Group he as now put out this video with more details of what might be coming to the UK in the future from MG nice job Miles thank you. Les
  3. Ian Key

    Gridserve Forecourt Gatwick Airport

    Robert Llewellyn has a look around the new Gridserve facility at Garwick Airport.
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