
Revolutions per minute (abbreviated rpm, RPM, rev/min, r/min, or r⋅min−1) is a unit of rotational speed (or rotational frequency) for rotating machines.
One revolution per minute is equivalent to ⁠1/60⁠ hertz.

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  1. I

    Rev’s stick 2000 rpm

    Had the ZS hybrid+ since December and it started sticking at 2000rpm and accelerator vibrates. I have to stop for to go into EV mode for it to reset but even crawling at 10 mph still 2000 rpm & vibrating pedal until I stop. This is the 3rd time it’s happened now. Anyone having same problem...
  2. D

    Tick over.

    Hello members. Can i ask i have a 2024 zs hybrid + trophy after initial start it sits idiling at 1100 rpm is this normal or high?????? Its going back for investigation to dealer as have high revs at low speed as if slipping clutch. Any help is welcome.
  3. M

    high engine revs

    I would agree with Bill Mitchison and also Nicho, to me the engine revs are far too high; sometimes at under 30mph 3100 revs and carries on for maybe quarter of a mile . And this happens quite a lot. This really spoils a really good car. MG needs to address this problem quickly as those engines...
  4. Jovik

    RPM is there somewhere to see it

    I've just watched a video of the mg3 hybrid trophy and the guy was telling us the revs per minute where is this information
  5. gerrydoorstop


    As previously posted, I collected my brand new Hybrid ZS + last Tuesday and since driving it home, which was fine, I find that the rev counter is sticking at 1.3 RPM. This is the case between varying speeds from 20mph to 45mph and gives the feeling its being driven in second gear. The EV doesnt...
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