se lr

.se, formerly branded as .SE, is the country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for Sweden. It is operated by The Swedish Internet Foundation (Internetstiftelsen), but domains must be registered through one of the approved registrars. The Internet Foundation in Sweden is managed on the basis of its charter of foundation and its statutes. The Foundation is managed by a board of directors, whose decisions are executed by the executive management.

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  1. T


    Hi, I've not used a public charger yet. Can anybody recommend the best app to use or should I just use my debit card? Any other advice would be appreciated, eg glitches etc? Thanks
  2. P

    How to set up cabin preconditioning on MG4 SE SR?

    I am new to this. I Have MG4 SE Long Range. Use an Ohme ePod charger. The app allows me to set cabin preconditioning but says Turn on settings in your EV first. As far as I can see the iSmart app has no option to set this. All I see is HVAC ON/OFF in real time rather than as part of a schedule...
  3. D

    MG3 Hybrid SE

    Hi All, I want to place an order on the SE model, but dealership is not providing any pictures of the interior of it, so I don’t knpw what to expect. Any chance someone had ordered it and received already to show the interior?
  4. H

    SE LR not achieving range I'd expect. Anyone to compare with?

    SE LR not achieving range I'd expect. Charged my 2023 SE LR yesterday to 80% and drove 101 miles achieving an average speed of around 53mph due to spending over half of that time on the motorway. After 101 miles I was left with 20% battery. Can anyone tell me if this is roughly expected? The...
  5. GaftheHorse

    MG4 SE LR Fast Charging - Percentage error

    Hi, I have two kids at Uni, one in Coventry and one in Sheffield. As we live in the New Forest I therefore spend a lot of time driving up and down the A34/M40/M1. I use the Banbury Instavolt a fair bit, and generally I get around 80kW max speed from them. More recently I've tried the new...
  6. T

    MG5 Excite LR (pre FL) to MG4 SE LR - worth the trade up?

    I do love my MG5 (drive, range, features) but it is one ugly car :( Seen a few MG4 in the flesh now and it is one hot car :love: Could I justify the £10k to trade up, for a few extra miles of range, a better (but slower?) drive and a bit more tech (App). Tell me I'm mad for even considering it...
  7. O

    Registration document

    Hi all, finally picking up the car on Tuesday and the dealer has sent through a Carte Grise ( provisional ) which is the French equivalent to a Registration document. Couple of strange items to report, First, for the SE LR it records it has having a maximum net power of 68 kw , a bit down on MG...
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