
Abhay Bang and Rani Bang are Indian activists and community health researchers working in the Gadchiroli district of Maharashtra, India.
Together, they have overseen a programme that has substantially reduced infant mortality rates, one which has been endorsed by the World Health Organization (WHO) and UNICEF and is being rolled out across India and in parts of Africa.
Abhay and Rani Bang also founded the non-profit Society For Education, Action and Research in Community Health (SEARCH), which is involved in rural health service and research.
They won the Maharashtra Bhushan Award, and have been awarded honorary doctorates from the Sanjay Gandhi Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences at Lucknow. SNDT Women's University, Mumbai has also awarded honoris causa to Rani Bang. The Lancet described the couple as "the pioneers of health care in rural India". Abhay and Rani Bang were the first recipients of the Distinguished Alumni Award from the Department of International Health at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. They were also inducted into the Johns Hopkins Society of Scholars, for their leadership in community-based health care that is helping to save the lives of millions of newborns and children. During their careers, the Bangs have helped foster a renaissance in community-based primary health care. In 2016, Johns Hopkins University conferred the Distinguished Alumni Award upon them.

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  1. Everest

    Site upgrade thanks

    Just wanted to say a big thank you @Stuart Wright for today's site upgrade. It's great that we can now search for TLA's like 'V2L' - that's really useful (y)
  2. MG Clive

    No postcode search on Sat-Nav?

    Interesting that there doesn't appear to be a postcode search on the Sat-Nav, but there is a What Three Words search, which is probably better, and certainly more accurate.
  3. MG4EVLawyer

    Travel plan creation not working

    My MG iSMART App no longer allows me to search an address and send to the car. It used to work. All I get now is a random series of addresses. Has anyone else had this issue? Thanks
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