
A seat belt, also known as a safety belt or spelled seatbelt, is a vehicle safety device designed to secure the driver or a passenger of a vehicle against harmful movement that may result during a collision or a sudden stop. A seat belt reduces the likelihood of death or serious injury in a traffic collision by reducing the force of secondary impacts with interior strike hazards, by keeping occupants positioned correctly for maximum effectiveness of the airbag (if equipped), and by preventing occupants being ejected from the vehicle in a crash or if the vehicle rolls over.
When in motion, the driver and passengers are traveling at the same speed as the vehicle. If the vehicle suddenly stops or crashes, the occupants continue at the same speed the vehicle was going before it stopped. A seatbelt applies an opposing force to the driver and passengers to prevent them from falling out or making contact with the interior of the car (especially preventing contact with, or going through, the windshield). Seatbelts are considered primary restraint systems (PRSs), because of their vital role in occupant safety.

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  1. R

    Carrying cargo vs seat belt warning

    Is there any way to silence the seat belt warning when carrying builders provider products that weigh a bit in the rear / front passenger seat. The chime gets annoying after the first hour. Can probably get a fake belt clip and this is only for this scenario, never with real people. I can leave...
  2. N

    Seatbelt jammed

    Hi, anyone had a seatbelt jam and not retract. I stretched the rear passenger seatbelt to full for transporting stuff and it won't retract. It's not very accessible but can't see anything twisted so think its just locked. Has anyone had this and know if this is covered by warranty. I've asked...
  3. R

    Seatbelt warning.

    In the last week or so, I've been getting loads of random seatbelt warnings on the dash. It appears to believe that there's someone sat in the back with no seatbelt on (first red icon flashing on the dash). The constant pinging is driving me nuts!! There isn't a single thing sat on the seats...
  4. bedsev

    What's going on with the seatbelts

    Does everyone else have this? The drivers seatbelt has a neat little plastic stop for the buckle, but all of the other seats have this random bit of extra seatbelt stitched to it as a stop.
  5. S

    Rear seatbelt warning light query

    My daughter has just bought a 21 reg ZS, in very nice nick and she's v happy with it. However she says the car keeps thinking there's people in the back when there isn't anything there, and shows the seatbelt warning light (doesn't give alarm though). Is that correct or is there something she...
  6. DaevM

    Seatbelt / Reversing

    As one of the few and far between allowances for not wearing a seatbelt in the UK, why does my MG4 prevent me from moving when I'm in reverse until I connect my seatbelt ( sometimes) ?
  7. DaevM

    Seat belt pad

    So, my wife happened to mention a couple of weeks ago that she'd like a pad for the MG4 seatbelt as she finds it a little uncomfortable. I was lucky enough to find a pair of these on Etsy at a very reasonable price. Thanks Keith ...
  8. ukslim

    Rear seatbelt sockets

    Does anyone else find it awkward how the rear seatbelt sockets sink into the hole in the upholstery? It makes it really fiddly fastening my daughter in (she's in a booster seat). I've sort of helped by wrapping bubble-wrap around it, to keep it pushed out of the hole. But it's still not great...
  9. S

    Rear Seatbelt alarm

    Usually no one sits in the rear middle seat. However today my son's friend sat in the middle rear seat, fastened his seatbelt and the alarm kept going off on the dashboard. Suggesting that the seatbelt was unfastened. I check to see maybe it's not plugged in properly but it was. Anyone had...
  10. Y

    Seatbelt opening

    Does everybody else have an uncovered opening where the passenger and driver seatbelts come out of the plastic body? You can see where they are bolted to the chassis down there, and the hole is big enough to accommodate three fingers on a four year old's hand, as I found out today. It's not...
  11. M

    Autohold on MG 4 ?

    Hi how do I use my Autohold function? Had the car for 3months, not sure if I’ve actually used my Autohold yet. Please advise.
  12. richlove

    Possible to turn off the seatbelt warning (rear seats) ?

    Dog on rear seats keeps setting it off. Had a browse through manual, though can't see anything obvious. Perhaps need to put seatbelts in as a workaround.
  13. Fluffykins

    Rear seat seatbelt issue. Fragile electrics.

    By way of a warning that the "done up" sensors on the rear seatbelt sockets are possibly a little fragile. I realised I was only getting two of the three rear seatbelt idiot lights coming on for the couple of minutes self test at car switchon. A process of elimination confirmed it was the...
  14. Reverse with seatbelt - forward with none

    I have this tendency, when reversing, to not clip my seatbelt, to which my daughter quickly reminds me of the errors in my judgement. It appears my MG sees the same error in my way and will not allow me to reverse without my seatbelt clicked in. More specifically, if attempting to reverse...
  15. J

    Rear seatbelt buckle

    Is anyone having problems with the nearside rear seat belt buckle disappearing into the seat when trying to buckle up and is there a fix without involving dealer. The car is a Mg5ev 72 plate.
  16. P

    Drivers seatbelt

    I have an issue with my 22 zs EV. The driver seatbelt seems to be about a foot shorter in length than the front passenger one is. Being a large fella it means there is no slack to lean forward if needed when driving/reaching. I know I could buy an extension but would not want to take that route...
  17. MikeN

    Rear seatbelt warning alert

    Can this be switched off on the ZS Trophy? If I fold down the rear seats and load up , it thinks someone is sitting in the seats, and alarms. If I clip the seatbelts in first, then fold the seats down and load up, it creates serious indentations in the upholstery.
  18. Gandalfharrow

    Seatbelt Frustration

    Bring my car onto the drive, get out to close the gates. BUT when I get back inside to move the car back a couple of feet it insists I put a seat belt on. This is very frustrating. Can it be turned off?
  19. D

    “Seatbelt” warning?

    Ok, so another funny is the “seatbelt” warning/reminder symbol that comes up as you start up & drive off. It doesn’t go off when the seatbelts are fastened, but after a short time - say 20 seconds or so. Anyone else have this?
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