
Sheringham (; population 7,367) is an English seaside town within the county of Norfolk, United Kingdom. The motto of the town, granted in 1953 to the Sheringham Urban District Council, is Mare Ditat Pinusque Decorat, Latin for "The sea enriches and the pine adorns".

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  1. GaryMG4

    Another EV advantage

    We went to an event in Sheringham yesterday and the town was rammed full of visitors. Having joined the procession driving round two car parks to no avail, and about to leave the third I spotted 6 EV charging spaces with only one occupied, result! The four hour limit was a little restricting but...
  2. F

    Trip away to Norfolk

    Sorry for a lengthy first new post. Trip away to Norfolk Following on from my introduction in the Say Hello thread here are my thoughts regarding my trip to Sheringham in North Norfolk. First of all thank you everybody who gave us suggestions for charging points and/or places to visit Set off...
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