software version

Software versioning is the process of assigning either unique version names or unique version numbers to unique states of computer software. Within a given version number category (e.g., major or minor), these numbers are generally assigned in increasing order and correspond to new developments in the software. At a fine-grained level, revision control is often used for keeping track of incrementally-different versions of information, whether or not this information is computer software.
Modern computer software is often tracked using two different software versioning schemes: an internal version number that may be incremented many times in a single day, such as a revision control number, and a release version that typically changes far less often, such as semantic versioning or a project code name.

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  1. Jonperry64

    Can you tell what software version you have?

    As per title really. Is there I can tell whether service campaign SC077 has been undertaken on a car I'm considering buying, other than taking the seller's word for it?
  2. Bam Bam

    MG4 Software version Tables for reference

    I wondered if it would be useful to have a wiki page with a table about the different software versions available for the MG4, both the Standard and Trophy versions. This might be a useful pointer to all the new owners who ask what software version they have etc. If it is a wiki then it can be...
  3. CuriousIslander

    At last, progress on my traffic announcements, but which software version?

    Brief reminder. The TA's on my 4 Trophy don't work, but I am at last getting somewhere. After failed attempts at getting a response from MG (a letter and a message via the website contact page both being ignored), I eventually made contact via the customer support email address. After an...
  4. derek31a

    Software version (where to find)

    It might seem to be a silly question but where exactly can I find the software version on my MG4 Trophy LR please. I keep seeing references to different upgrades but have no idea where to find what I have installed!
  5. O

    Software Version

    Hi All My MG5 EV was registered 2021. It is an ex-demo car and has been serviced each year according to my local dealer. He insists it doesn't need a software update which seem unlikely. How do I determine what software it's running? Thanks
  6. P

    What software version are you on ?

    Im curious to see what range of software versions we are all on. Mines on R11, is there newer for the xpower ?
  7. A

    Latest software version trophy - collecting today

    I am collecting my new trophy in an hour so would appreciate if anyone can help with the latest software update you got to make sure they installed it. Cheers!
  8. S

    Facelift Trophy Charger Software Version (Tesla Superchargers)

    I had my first service on my 1 year old Facelift MG5 Trophy, and as part of it the charger software was updated specifically so as to enable charging at Tesla superchargers. Unfortunately there is no difference -- it still fails to charge. I checked via CarScanner and OBD2 and the version of...
  9. Pebble

    FL5 - latest software version of built in nav?

    Whilst looking for something else in the "download manuals" on the MG UK website (the section where you put your VIN no. in), I came across an update for the nav. Current version in the car is 2022Q1, the update is 2023Q1. For anyone who's done the update, was it worth it and did you notice any...
  10. D

    FL - Latest software version?

    Took my facelift 5 trophy in for its first 15k mile service this morning, they also advised that it needed a software update that was flagged as a recall. I checked the software version before the service and now just after picking it up, and it appears to be unchanged. Can anyone advise what...
  11. D

    Software version?

    I have a MG4 XPower (in Australia). I'm having issues with LKA (too aggressive) and phantom braking when using ACC. How can I tell what software version I have and whether an updated version that resolves my issues is available? TIA.
  12. J

    mg zs ev software version

    hi all. does anyone know where i can find , or if someone knows , the original software version my zs ev mk1 is running on. thanks.
  13. MartinSEsr

    Latest Software version + no updates at service

    Hi I have an MG4 SE and am on R16 (head unit) (and I know there are other modules with internal versions I don't know about). I'd like to get the outside temperature back and the updated HVAC display screen. My car was serviced a week ago at the 12 month point for £110 at Summit Garade...
  14. bryer

    What is the current software version for MK2 Trophy Connect's?

    Hello folks, I'm getting close to service time for my MK2 ZR TC and I'm wondering whether there's been any software updates released since R22? Thanks.
  15. Naveen

    Software version

    When I tried to check the if I was on the latest version I got a message saying software was not registered. I then phoned Dealer who asked for my Reg no. Who them cam back and said the software was updated in middle of June which was when I took delivery of the Trophy. Any thoughts?
  16. Gazzagaz

    Latest software version for MG4 SR please

    Im booked in for a software update in my MG4 se SR in september. Currently on R13, can anyone tell me what the latest version is applicable. Thanks
  17. A

    Software version MG4

    Can I please ask how I can find out what version number my car is on? I have an MG4 since May and have a number of software niggles. I have contacted the garage for an upgrade. They agreed to 'do a diagnostics check' but after having the car for 7 hours, told me that 'they could not connect to...
  18. M

    Software Version on ZS EV 2022 Standard Range

    Can anyone with a SR facelift ZS EV let me know what their software version in the car is please? Quite recently I have been having issues like blind spot detection not turning off and remaining on during the entire journey, no dead reckoning setting on SR and hence maps play up most of the...
  19. R

    What software version is the latest

    Hi, Picking up my ZS T LR on Friday and have requested that the latest software and maps are installed. But, what is the latest versions and how do I check? Thanks in advance.
  20. S

    Facelift OTA Update and software version

    What software version are you Facelift owners on? The earlier model has to go back to the dealer for updates, but the Trophy and the upcoming SE have Over The Air updates. Has a anyone actually had an update? I’ve hit the “check” button a couple of times but am always told I’m on the latest...
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