
Theft is the act of taking another person's property or services without that person's permission or consent with the intent to deprive the rightful owner of it. The word theft is also used as a synonym or informal shorthand term for some crimes against property, such as larceny, robbery, embezzlement, extortion, blackmail, or receiving stolen property. In some jurisdictions, theft is considered to be synonymous with larceny, while in others, theft is defined more narrowly. A person who engages in theft is known as a thief (pl. thieves).Theft is the name of a statutory offence in California, Canada, England and Wales, Hong Kong, Northern Ireland, the Republic of Ireland, and the Australian states of South Australia and Victoria.

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  1. GaryMG4

    Vandalised chargers

    Had my first time of seeing chargers with the cables cut off yesterday. I decided to go skiing in Milton Keynes yesterday, despite setting off with 80% charge and GOM of 200 miles for a round trip of 170 miles the combination of cold temperatures and 70 mph roads meant as I headed home the GOM...
  2. I

    Alarm woes

    Have I got this completely wrong?? I thought that if I locked the car using the key fob, that set the alarm... My rear windscreen was smashed and my charging cable stolen and the alarm did not go off! Can anyone help? By the way, if you weren't already aware, parcel shelves and charging cables...
  3. L

    Car broken in to - how?

    MG4 Car broken in to - how? Hi - our MG4 Long range was broken into recently, locked and in an open off street car park. Car wasn't taken but back seat down, glove box open - looking for something valuable to take. They did take the Octopus charging card which has credit on, but haven't used it...
  4. NickT

    How do you turn the theft alarm off?

    Does anyone know how to turn the theft alarm off? I’m about to go on the ferry from Portsmouth to Santander, it’s 36 hours across the Bay of Biscay and previously we’ve always turned the car alarm off to stop it going off as the boat moves. I’ve checked the book around recovery towing but it...
  5. M

    Wheel trim theft?

    One of my MG4 wheel trims 'disappeared' in a garden centre car park whilst we were inside, I had not kerbed my car or collided with anything. I looked to ebay for a new one but those there were all used. Are some people pinching wheel trims only to sell them back on ebay and get a 'good ebayer'...
  6. Wendwell

    How Secure Are MG Cars?

    I have just read an article in today's The Observer with the headline Gone in 20 seconds: how ‘smart keys’ have fuelled a new wave of car crime . MG models were not mentioned but I see no reason to think they too have not been stolen by thieves able to emulate the electronic codes that open...
  7. B

    Theft Security - UK MG4 Trophy LR

    Disable key-less entry permanently easily. With the keyfob give two LOCK commands in quick succession. Watch hazards flash many times repeatedly. Wait until they stop flashing and then test. The buttons on front doors no longer unlock the car. Everything else remains unaltered. I have...
  8. Freeagain21

    XPower - is it nickable?

    Had a couple of balaclava-wearing scroats on a motorbike follow me home tonight. Only spotted them behind me as I pulled into the garage. I've reported it to the police, put my car and garage remotes in a working Faraday box, locked her up for the night with our other car firmly reversed up...
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