
MARKAL is a numerical model used to carry out economic analysis of different energy related systems at the country level to represent its evolution over a period of usually of 40–50 years. The word MARKAL was generated by concatenating two words (MARKet and ALlocation). Various parameters such as energy costs, plant costs, plant performances, building performance and so on, can be input and the software will choose an optimal technology mix to meet that demand at minimum cost. It is available from the International Energy Agency. TIMES is an evolution of MARKAL and both energy models share many similarities.

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  1. G

    Clocks showing different times

    Has anyone else found that the clock on the touchscreen updated automatically today when the UK clocks went back, but the one on the driver display stayed on BST?? Any suggestions for a fix? Thanks
  2. T

    Insane Wait Times (UK Dealerships)

    Hi all, I've registered after having took delivery of my new MG4 SE Long Range about a month ago. It's not my first EV after having run my Mazda MX-30 for 2 years, but I do have concerns over the MG's reliability. The super short version is the cars drivers side headlamp has started to fail...
  3. D

    More charging fun times.

    Tried to charge at a CPS site, plugged into the rapid, took several attempts to get the car to charge but eventually did at an earth-shattering 26kW or so, went back to the car an hour later to move it onto one of the numerous AC posts so as not to hog the only rapid. Post authenticated the...
  4. Susanna

    Octopus Go times?

    I have been on Octopus Go for the best part of 2 years. The cheap rate was for 4 hours 00.30 - 04.30. I noticed today on the Octopus app, it states 5 hours, 00.30 - 05.30. When did that happen? I had no idea.
  5. B

    MG4 Xpower times vs battery

    Hi guys, I feel like I'm having issues with my Xpower and don't feel the performance is living up to the expectations. I've started to record some 0-60mph/100kph times and compare against battery levels. My expectations was that I would start losing performance at maybe 20% battery, but it seems...
  6. P

    Two Xpowers for the price of the new model 3 performance, almost. Tesla fail again ?

    The Model 3 performance claiming under 3 seconds for the 0-60 seems like pure marketing once again, and it works , the Xpower should be advertised at 3.4 ? Then there's the car at double the price on road to the Xpower. Yes the Tesla is a nicer car , more range and a sniff of extra...
  7. Devoniageoff

    MG4 steaming up problem

    My new (fabulous!) MG4 Trophy keeps fogging up! The recirculation setting is set to outside air but unless the fan is on no air appears to be coming in. Is it always necessary to have fan on (?battery drain?) Or shouldn't the forward motion of the car let air in? Any thoughts anyone? Many thanks!
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