
In numismatics, token coins or trade tokens are coin-like objects used instead of coins. The field of token coins is part of exonumia and token coins are token money. Their denomination is shown or implied by size, color or shape. They are often made of cheaper metals like copper, pewter, aluminium, brass and tin, or non-metals like bakelite, leather and porcelain.
A legal tender coin is issued by a governmental authority and is freely exchangeable for goods. A token coin has a narrower utility and is issued by a private entity. In many instances, token coins have become obsolete due to the use of cash, payment cards, stored value cards or other electronic transactions.

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  1. G

    Ismart unable to log in

    Ok, I've need logged in absolutely fine for over 3 months. Went to check the state of charge this morning and I got "login token expired" annoying but nip out to the car to try to sort it and I can't re bind. The app just crashes when it turns the camera on to scan the QR code. Logged out...
  2. D

    Token Expired every. single. day…

    Fed up with this to be honest…getting Token expired all the time lately, sometimes twice per day. If I didn’t have the password saved I’d probably stop using the app. iPhone 15, fully up to date, as is the iSMART app. Have tried clearing the cache but it’s made no difference whatsoever. Not...
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